I was sent to demorgan for 60 minutes for looting with gun out. Please show me where in the rules this is stated.
As expected admins were unable to find this in the rules but stated it is unrealistic behavior. Admin Alex Dodd stated "with 1 hand u will not be able to pick up GUN from grounds, taking off backpack and putting that guns in it - thats UB , admin took correct decision"
Now there are two San Andreas sized faults with this argument if not more.
1. When you pick up items off the ground they default into your pockets, as the items that I picked up did. Now as admins do you not know or not comprehend the mechanics of your own server? Or do you just go around making things up as you go along?
2. You would have to be severly mentally handicapped to not be able to take off a backpack, open it, and place an item inside with something in one of your hands.
As expected admins were unable to find this in the rules but stated it is unrealistic behavior. Admin Alex Dodd stated "with 1 hand u will not be able to pick up GUN from grounds, taking off backpack and putting that guns in it - thats UB , admin took correct decision"
Now there are two San Andreas sized faults with this argument if not more.
1. When you pick up items off the ground they default into your pockets, as the items that I picked up did. Now as admins do you not know or not comprehend the mechanics of your own server? Or do you just go around making things up as you go along?
2. You would have to be severly mentally handicapped to not be able to take off a backpack, open it, and place an item inside with something in one of your hands.