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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Salvatore Goodman
Administrators nickname
Jan 12, 2022

Salvatore Goodman

Aug 28, 2021

I hope all is well.

On January 12th, Salvatore Goodman (357) and Romeo Xoxo (32) aka "Robbie" (in the video, i mention him as Robbie) were banned for General Rule 1.7 by Aki_sixninez at the same time.

1.7 It is forbidden to transfer property as a gift (including neon shoes), whose total amount exceeds $5.000.000(You are allowed to receive 5.000.000$ and transfer 5.000.000$ per day.)(It is allowed to withdraw/deposit money from/to family balance.) | Ban 60 days

Because i have not ever transacted more than even 3.5M in one day with Romeo Xoxo over the last 2 weeks (a reasonable time for admins to go back and check transaction logs), I reached out to Aki_sixninez on discord to understand what the ban was about.

Per the discussion above which happened approximately 3 hours ago. Aki_sixninez said that the bans related to Romeo Xoxo and myself (Salvatore Goodman), as i quote "it wasnt a very recent transaction u did it like approx a month ago".

"approx a month ago" from today (January 12th) was December 12th. Since Aki Sixninez used the word "approximately", lets be fair and use a 10 day range before and after a month ago: Starting from December 12th, the range would be December 2nd through December 22nd. During this entire period, Romeo Xoxo AKA Robbie Blanes was serving a 30-day ban from December 1st until January 1st. As such, during this time it was impossible for me to transact with Romeo Xoxo as he could not log into his account. Further, during the entire month I did not transact more than 5M in a day.

Please refer to Romeo Xoxo (Robbie Blanes) 30 day ban below, approved and executed by admin Chris Jackson on December 1st:

From my understanding, I did not transact with Romeo Xoxo aka Robbie Blanes (ID:32) on December 1st as i am generally sleeping by server reset time. 11PM EST for me. As such, there were no transactions above 5M in one day in the month of December from Salvatore Goodman or Romeo Xoxo between eachother (impossible) because Romeo Xoxo wasnt even able to log in during that time period.

Because I have no additional information until I get information/proof of the ban, I have decided to provide POV of the only possible thing I can think of for this ban which I am explaining and providing proof of below of transactions from November 30th (43 days ago):

Further, as I have most of my POVs saved (Never have deleted any POV clip recorded, still have all Medal clips from 1st day of Server start), I decided to check back on my POVs on December 1st and November 30th. I have no POVs with Romeo Xoxo on December 1st as he was already banned. On 11/30, I have a POV of Romeo Xoxo and myself passing money to Brandon Winchester (ID: 631). I, Salvatore Goodman, Passed Brandon 3.25M (can be heard stated in the video that I passed him 3.25M), and Romeo Xoxo passed him 2M for a total of 5.25M. In the posted clip, I realized on November 30th that we individually DID NOT pass Brandon Winchester (631) 5M, but Brandon Winchester DID receive more than 5M collectively. I am bringing this up as this is the only thing I have anywhere near December that may have been seen as a rule break but in the video provided I mention through audio that I transferred 3.25M and Romeo_Xoxo transferred only 2M.

If this is the exact instance (Still dont know) that got us banned today, it should only be Brandon Winchester getting banned for 1.7 not Romeo Xoxo and Salvatore Goodman as he was the only individual who "recieved more than 5M".

In the video below you can hear me say "you gave him 2M", referring to Romeo Xoxo giving brandon 2M, and "I gave you 3.25M". I also looked at my transfers for the day and noted that the only thing I did was receive 400K which I said out loud in the video. Once realizing I gave 3.25M and Romeo gave 2M to Brandon,

From looking at the family logs on 11/30 and 12/1, there were family deposits and withdrawals into the family account done by members, but all of these should not be included in the $5M transfer limit. For example, i deposited 3.8M into the family balance about an hour after transferring 3.25M to Brandon Winchester. This together totals over 5M but you would not include the 3.8M into the family balance in the total. As a result, my transactions for that day were under 5M.

I am looking forward to a response as I am not sure what has happened. Further, I would like to bring up that the date ranges in question for this ban are potentially 35-50 days ago. Why would anyone be going through logs from over 35-50 days ago in the first place? Statute of limitations should start being applied to these type of instances. For many event/POV related bans the statute of limitations is only 2 days for keeping POV, but for this 40+ days is ok? Luckily for me I try to keep all of my POVs but this type of actionary behavior could jeapordize most people who can only save evidence for 2-10 days.

Statute of Limitations: A statute of limitations is the deadline for filing a lawsuit. Most lawsuits MUST be filed within a certain amount of time. In general, once the statute of limitations on a case “runs out,” the legal claim is not valid any longer.

Just something to think about/implement when moving forward and possibly for this case.

This is the most effort and best explanation I can give towards this post at this current time as I do not have any additional information over why I (Salvatore Goodman) and Romeo Xoxo where banned other than "it wasnt a very recent transaction u did it like approx a month ago" from Aki_Sixninez.

Thanks for reading and looking forward to the evidence justifying Romeo_Xoxo and Salvatore's Goodman's Ban.


Salvatore Goodman

Seven Wright

Jan 13, 2022
Its kind of suspicious that you guys are only banning them now after the admin mentioned that the transaction happened "approximately" a month ago, Btw i got banned for the same reason and it only took the admin 10 - 15 minutes to detect it and block me from the game. Lets be fair guys.

Ron Davis

Jun 22, 2021
Its kind of suspicious that you guys are only banning them now after the admin mentioned that the transaction happened "approximately" a month ago, Btw i got banned for the same reason and it only took the admin 10 - 15 minutes to detect it and block me from the game. Lets be fair guys.
Also, not a lot of people save their clips which are more than 20+ days. Imagine u didn't break a rule and u get banned for breaking a rule that might have been happened 30+ days ago and now u don't have any evidence to back up to the admins. Also I know checking logs will clear any misunderstanding but tbh it's kinda scary for people who do big transactions in a day.

Salvatore Goodman

Aug 28, 2021
Thanks for your thoughts guys. I think these are fair points but at the same time the admins do have the right to go as far back as they want. I truly don't think I broke this rule from December 1st to January 12th since Romeo was banned for a full month and i clearly remember the last two weeks but im sorry if I somehow did break it. I would love to see what happened so I can make sure it doesn't happen again. We do try really hard to take the rules of the city seriously. We are really sorry for whatever happened and we hope we are eligible to be unbanned even if the only option is to wipe our current money. We love this community and the Top Shelf family wants to continue being a positive influence in the city and help continue pushing the growth of the server with the other big and small families of the city. Thanks.

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