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Active Member
Leader of unofficial org
May 22, 2022
Family Name - Pickles
Family Owner - Yavuz Pickle | 154972
Family House Number - 1043
Family Owner Discord - Flusch#7777
Family Owner Forum - Flusch

Family Logo:


Background Story:

Yavuz Pickle was born in October 24th 1995 in Istanbul. His mother's name is Muhterem. His father's name is Müslüm. His younger brother is Bedy. The year was 2005. Yavuz 10 Bedy was 5 years old. Bedy and Yavuz are two brothers who love each other very much. His father, Müslüm, was in the textile business. He was an honest person who earns halal money. One day, Müslüm, who is on his way to work, meets 2 men in front of the business. After a short conversation with them, Müslüm rejects the duo, who say they want to get tribute. In the evening of that day, Yavuz takes his little brother Bedy to the market to buy ice cream. Müslüm and his mother Muhterem were waiting at home. Yavuz and Bedy, on the way home with their snacks, heard two gunshots. realizing that they came from their home Yavuz immediately proceeds towards the house. But it is too late for everything. The bloody bodies of father Müslüm and mother Muhterem lie on the floor in their house. The year was 2018. Yavuz 23 Bedy was 18 years old. After the death of their families, the duo, who do not want to lead a life like their father, started to do small illegal jobs. Smuggling, robbery and battering were the duo's specialties. Once again, the duo, who had their eye on someone to snatch, immediately got to work. But this time there was something wrong with the others. The two of them wanted to get the job done right away. So without wasting any time they set to work. However, the man neutralized the duo with a quick move. The man calmed the duo, who wanted to escape with the shock of the incident and asked if they wanted a bigger job. Even if they don't know who this man is It was obvious that he was doing well. That's why the duo took the job. The man's name was Sinan Criminal. Another thing that the duo did not know was that the murderer of their family was the same person. Sinan told the subject, location and date of the work. After that, it was up to Yavuz and Bedy. The duo told a few friends from their former small gang about this business. They would do the job with them. Everything and everyone was on standby on the day of the job. When they got to the place, they realized that this was not a small job as they used to do, but a much bigger job. Our crew, who thinks it's a simple car hijacking, is actually they had come upon one of the most important families in the city. Realizing this, Yavuz immediately tried to explain it to Sinan Criminal. However, Sinan had already left the place. Yavuz and his crew began to look for a way to escape. However almost all roads were closed. Everyone started to run away with the excitement of that moment. It had turned into a field of complete chaos. Gunshots were everywhere. Yavuz was looking for a way to escape with his brother. And he saw a gap in that chaos. It could be the last chance to escape. They ran away. They managed to get out of that chaos. He felt lucky to be out of that area with his brother. But when he turned around, he realized that he was not so lucky. Because he saw that his brother, who was behind him, had been shot. Having trouble getting over the shock of the event, Yavuz is brought to himself by his childhood friend Tunahan, a member of his team. Although he does not want to leave his brother Yavuz, who has to,and swears to avenge his brother. The year was 2020. Yavuz spent a full year trying to find Sinan Criminal for the revenge of his brother. However, along the way, Yavuz learned that Sinan Criminal was actually the murderer of his family. Now everything came together and Yavuz had no strength to endure. His friends Tunahan, Savas, Baris, Yasin and Azat were the only ones who supported him in such a bad situation. After a few months, Yavuz, according to the intelligence he received that Sinan Criminal was in Los Santos. There was only one thing left to do. Yavuz, who would do anything to get his revenge, was ready to say goodbye to his friends. It was time to go. But his friends said that they would even go to death with him. And finally, these 6 friends were led by Yavuz, took their way to Los Santos to take revenge.

Our Family Goals:

- Recruit new people from the city and make them one of the most powerful people in the city.
- Respect every member of the family other people in city.
- Do not break server/city rules.
- Be loyal to members of the family.
- No sexual harrasment.
- No racism.

Long Term Goals:

-Becoming the one of the top family in the city.
-Winning as many family events as possible.
-Keeping experienced players in the family while recruting new ones.

Business Model/Family Operations:

- Production and sale of fruits and vegetables.
- Production and sale of charged batteries.
- Theft of luxury and rare cars.
- Robbing outside of the city and in the Ghetto.
- Trafficking weapons, ammunitions and drugs.
- Flipping and selling items on black market.
- Bank Heists and Store robberies.
- Collecting profits from businesses.

Family Ranks:

10-LVL Crew: Founder and the leader of the family. Makes all the decisions.
9-LVL Crew: The second in command in the family. While leader is not in the city the crew makes all the decisions for the family.

8-LVL Director: The third in command in the family. They take care of the family by helping out the family members when needed.
7-LVL VII Turfer: Has good skills with weapons and has priority in events.
6-LVL VI Pickle: Assists the director, provides integrity.
5-LVL V Veteran: The family members who helps the family to get better.
4-LVL IV Vigilante: Member that gathers other members for events.
3-LVL III Experienced: More experienced members than rats. Who knows how to make money, drugs and shooting.
2-LVL II Street Rat: The family members who learned the basics.
1-LVL I Newbie: The last in command in the family who wants to earn how to make money easily and how to live in the city.

Family Rules:

1-Respect to everyone.
2-Don't be toxic.
3-Attend events as much as you can.
4-Obey the rules of the server.
5-Don't steal anything from the family assets.
6-Don't leave the vehicles outside and without fuel.
7-Don't antiafk in the family house.

Family Outfit:

Last edited:


Certified Clapper
Jun 16, 2021
Family Name - Pickles
Family Owner - Yavuz Pickle | 154972
Family House Number - 1043
Family Owner Discord - Flusch#0097
Family Owner Forum - Flusch

Family Logo:


Background Story:

Yavuz Pickle was born in October 24th 1995 in Istanbul. His mother's name is Muhterem. His father's name is Müslüm. His younger brother is Bedy. The year was 2005. Yavuz 10 Bedy was 5 years old. Bedy and Yavuz are two brothers who love each other very much. His father, Müslüm, was in the textile business. He was an honest person who earns halal money. One day, Müslüm, who is on his way to work, meets 2 men in front of the business. After a short conversation with them, Müslüm rejects the duo, who say they want to get tribute. In the evening of that day, Yavuz takes his little brother Bedy to the market to buy ice cream. Müslüm and his mother Muhterem were waiting at home. Yavuz and Bedy, on the way home with their snacks, heard two gunshots. realizing that they came from their home Yavuz immediately proceeds towards the house. But it is too late for everything. The bloody bodies of father Müslüm and mother Muhterem lie on the floor in their house. The year was 2018. Yavuz 23 Bedy was 18 years old. After the death of their families, the duo, who do not want to lead a life like their father, started to do small illegal jobs. Smuggling, robbery and battering were the duo's specialties. Once again, the duo, who had their eye on someone to snatch, immediately got to work. But this time there was something wrong with the others. The two of them wanted to get the job done right away. So without wasting any time they set to work. However, the man neutralized the duo with a quick move. The man calmed the duo, who wanted to escape with the shock of the incident and asked if they wanted a bigger job. Even if they don't know who this man is It was obvious that he was doing well. That's why the duo took the job. The man's name was Sinan Criminal. Another thing that the duo did not know was that the murderer of their family was the same person. Sinan told the subject, location and date of the work. After that, it was up to Yavuz and Bedy. The duo told a few friends from their former small gang about this business. They would do the job with them. Everything and everyone was on standby on the day of the job. When they got to the place, they realized that this was not a small job as they used to do, but a much bigger job. Our crew, who thinks it's a simple car hijacking, is actually they had come upon one of the most important families in the city. Realizing this, Yavuz immediately tried to explain it to Sinan Criminal. However, Sinan had already left the place. Yavuz and his crew began to look for a way to escape. However almost all roads were closed. Everyone started to run away with the excitement of that moment. It had turned into a field of complete chaos. Gunshots were everywhere. Yavuz was looking for a way to escape with his brother. And he saw a gap in that chaos. It could be the last chance to escape. They ran away. They managed to get out of that chaos. He felt lucky to be out of that area with his brother. But when he turned around, he realized that he was not so lucky. Because he saw that his brother, who was behind him, had been shot. Having trouble getting over the shock of the event, Yavuz is brought to himself by his childhood friend Tunahan, a member of his team. Although he does not want to leave his brother Yavuz, who has to,and swears to avenge his brother. The year was 2020. Yavuz spent a full year trying to find Sinan Criminal for the revenge of his brother. However, along the way, Yavuz learned that Sinan Criminal was actually the murderer of his family. Now everything came together and Yavuz had no strength to endure. His friends Tunahan, Savas, Baris, Yasin and Azat were the only ones who supported him in such a bad situation. After a few months, Yavuz, according to the intelligence he received that Sinan Criminal was in Los Santos. There was only one thing left to do. Yavuz, who would do anything to get his revenge, was ready to say goodbye to his friends. It was time to go. But his friends said that they would even go to death with him. And finally, these 6 friends were led by Yavuz, took their way to Los Santos to take revenge.

Our Family Goals:

- Recruit new people from the city and make them one of the most powerful people in the city.
- Respect every member of the family other people in city.
- Do not break server/city rules.
- Be loyal to members of the family.
- No sexual harrasment.
- No racism.

Long Term Goals:

-Becoming the one of the top family in the city.
-Winning as many family events as possible.
-Keeping experienced players in the family while recruting new ones.

Business Model/Family Operations:

- Production and sale of fruits and vegetables.
- Production and sale of charged batteries.
- Theft of luxury and rare cars.
- Robbing outside of the city and in the Ghetto.
- Trafficking weapons, ammunitions and drugs.
- Flipping and selling items on black market.
- Bank Heists and Store robberies.
- Collecting profits from businesses.

Family Ranks:

10-LVL Crew: Founder and the leader of the family. Makes all the decisions.
9-LVL Crew: The second in command in the family. While leader is not in the city the crew makes all the decisions for the family.

8-LVL Director: The third in command in the family. They take care of the family by helping out the family members when needed.
7-LVL VII Turfer: Has good skills with weapons and has priority in events.
6-LVL VI Pickle: Assists the director, provides integrity.
5-LVL V Veteran: The family members who helps the family to get better.
4-LVL IV Vigilante: Member that gathers other members for events.
3-LVL III Experienced: More experienced members than rats. Who knows how to make money, drugs and shooting.
2-LVL II Street Rat: The family members who learned the basics.
1-LVL I Newbie: The last in command in the family who wants to earn how to make money easily and how to live in the city.

Family Rules:

1-Respect to everyone.
2-Don't be toxic.
3-Attend events as much as you can.
4-Obey the rules of the server.
5-Don't steal anything from the family assets.
6-Don't leave the vehicles outside and without fuel.
7-Don't antiafk in the family house.

Family Outfit:

Good family great to be apart of

Brody Feeder

Jan 27, 2023
Family Name - Pickles
Family Owner - Yavuz Pickle | 154972
Family House Number - 1043
Family Owner Discord - Flusch#0097
Family Owner Forum - Flusch

Family Logo:


Background Story:

Yavuz Pickle was born in October 24th 1995 in Istanbul. His mother's name is Muhterem. His father's name is Müslüm. His younger brother is Bedy. The year was 2005. Yavuz 10 Bedy was 5 years old. Bedy and Yavuz are two brothers who love each other very much. His father, Müslüm, was in the textile business. He was an honest person who earns halal money. One day, Müslüm, who is on his way to work, meets 2 men in front of the business. After a short conversation with them, Müslüm rejects the duo, who say they want to get tribute. In the evening of that day, Yavuz takes his little brother Bedy to the market to buy ice cream. Müslüm and his mother Muhterem were waiting at home. Yavuz and Bedy, on the way home with their snacks, heard two gunshots. realizing that they came from their home Yavuz immediately proceeds towards the house. But it is too late for everything. The bloody bodies of father Müslüm and mother Muhterem lie on the floor in their house. The year was 2018. Yavuz 23 Bedy was 18 years old. After the death of their families, the duo, who do not want to lead a life like their father, started to do small illegal jobs. Smuggling, robbery and battering were the duo's specialties. Once again, the duo, who had their eye on someone to snatch, immediately got to work. But this time there was something wrong with the others. The two of them wanted to get the job done right away. So without wasting any time they set to work. However, the man neutralized the duo with a quick move. The man calmed the duo, who wanted to escape with the shock of the incident and asked if they wanted a bigger job. Even if they don't know who this man is It was obvious that he was doing well. That's why the duo took the job. The man's name was Sinan Criminal. Another thing that the duo did not know was that the murderer of their family was the same person. Sinan told the subject, location and date of the work. After that, it was up to Yavuz and Bedy. The duo told a few friends from their former small gang about this business. They would do the job with them. Everything and everyone was on standby on the day of the job. When they got to the place, they realized that this was not a small job as they used to do, but a much bigger job. Our crew, who thinks it's a simple car hijacking, is actually they had come upon one of the most important families in the city. Realizing this, Yavuz immediately tried to explain it to Sinan Criminal. However, Sinan had already left the place. Yavuz and his crew began to look for a way to escape. However almost all roads were closed. Everyone started to run away with the excitement of that moment. It had turned into a field of complete chaos. Gunshots were everywhere. Yavuz was looking for a way to escape with his brother. And he saw a gap in that chaos. It could be the last chance to escape. They ran away. They managed to get out of that chaos. He felt lucky to be out of that area with his brother. But when he turned around, he realized that he was not so lucky. Because he saw that his brother, who was behind him, had been shot. Having trouble getting over the shock of the event, Yavuz is brought to himself by his childhood friend Tunahan, a member of his team. Although he does not want to leave his brother Yavuz, who has to,and swears to avenge his brother. The year was 2020. Yavuz spent a full year trying to find Sinan Criminal for the revenge of his brother. However, along the way, Yavuz learned that Sinan Criminal was actually the murderer of his family. Now everything came together and Yavuz had no strength to endure. His friends Tunahan, Savas, Baris, Yasin and Azat were the only ones who supported him in such a bad situation. After a few months, Yavuz, according to the intelligence he received that Sinan Criminal was in Los Santos. There was only one thing left to do. Yavuz, who would do anything to get his revenge, was ready to say goodbye to his friends. It was time to go. But his friends said that they would even go to death with him. And finally, these 6 friends were led by Yavuz, took their way to Los Santos to take revenge.

Our Family Goals:

- Recruit new people from the city and make them one of the most powerful people in the city.
- Respect every member of the family other people in city.
- Do not break server/city rules.
- Be loyal to members of the family.
- No sexual harrasment.
- No racism.

Long Term Goals:

-Becoming the one of the top family in the city.
-Winning as many family events as possible.
-Keeping experienced players in the family while recruting new ones.

Business Model/Family Operations:

- Production and sale of fruits and vegetables.
- Production and sale of charged batteries.
- Theft of luxury and rare cars.
- Robbing outside of the city and in the Ghetto.
- Trafficking weapons, ammunitions and drugs.
- Flipping and selling items on black market.
- Bank Heists and Store robberies.
- Collecting profits from businesses.

Family Ranks:

10-LVL Crew: Founder and the leader of the family. Makes all the decisions.
9-LVL Crew: The second in command in the family. While leader is not in the city the crew makes all the decisions for the family.

8-LVL Director: The third in command in the family. They take care of the family by helping out the family members when needed.
7-LVL VII Turfer: Has good skills with weapons and has priority in events.
6-LVL VI Pickle: Assists the director, provides integrity.
5-LVL V Veteran: The family members who helps the family to get better.
4-LVL IV Vigilante: Member that gathers other members for events.
3-LVL III Experienced: More experienced members than rats. Who knows how to make money, drugs and shooting.
2-LVL II Street Rat: The family members who learned the basics.
1-LVL I Newbie: The last in command in the family who wants to earn how to make money easily and how to live in the city.

Family Rules:

1-Respect to everyone.
2-Don't be toxic.
3-Attend events as much as you can.
4-Obey the rules of the server.
5-Don't steal anything from the family assets.
6-Don't leave the vehicles outside and without fuel.
7-Don't antiafk in the family house.

Family Outfit:

heard of this family. Seems cool and think they deserve unofficial


Oct 18, 2022
Family Name - Pickles
Family Owner - Yavuz Pickle | 154972
Family House Number - 1043
Family Owner Discord - Flusch#0097
Family Owner Forum - Flusch

Family Logo:


Background Story:

Yavuz Pickle was born in October 24th 1995 in Istanbul. His mother's name is Muhterem. His father's name is Müslüm. His younger brother is Bedy. The year was 2005. Yavuz 10 Bedy was 5 years old. Bedy and Yavuz are two brothers who love each other very much. His father, Müslüm, was in the textile business. He was an honest person who earns halal money. One day, Müslüm, who is on his way to work, meets 2 men in front of the business. After a short conversation with them, Müslüm rejects the duo, who say they want to get tribute. In the evening of that day, Yavuz takes his little brother Bedy to the market to buy ice cream. Müslüm and his mother Muhterem were waiting at home. Yavuz and Bedy, on the way home with their snacks, heard two gunshots. realizing that they came from their home Yavuz immediately proceeds towards the house. But it is too late for everything. The bloody bodies of father Müslüm and mother Muhterem lie on the floor in their house. The year was 2018. Yavuz 23 Bedy was 18 years old. After the death of their families, the duo, who do not want to lead a life like their father, started to do small illegal jobs. Smuggling, robbery and battering were the duo's specialties. Once again, the duo, who had their eye on someone to snatch, immediately got to work. But this time there was something wrong with the others. The two of them wanted to get the job done right away. So without wasting any time they set to work. However, the man neutralized the duo with a quick move. The man calmed the duo, who wanted to escape with the shock of the incident and asked if they wanted a bigger job. Even if they don't know who this man is It was obvious that he was doing well. That's why the duo took the job. The man's name was Sinan Criminal. Another thing that the duo did not know was that the murderer of their family was the same person. Sinan told the subject, location and date of the work. After that, it was up to Yavuz and Bedy. The duo told a few friends from their former small gang about this business. They would do the job with them. Everything and everyone was on standby on the day of the job. When they got to the place, they realized that this was not a small job as they used to do, but a much bigger job. Our crew, who thinks it's a simple car hijacking, is actually they had come upon one of the most important families in the city. Realizing this, Yavuz immediately tried to explain it to Sinan Criminal. However, Sinan had already left the place. Yavuz and his crew began to look for a way to escape. However almost all roads were closed. Everyone started to run away with the excitement of that moment. It had turned into a field of complete chaos. Gunshots were everywhere. Yavuz was looking for a way to escape with his brother. And he saw a gap in that chaos. It could be the last chance to escape. They ran away. They managed to get out of that chaos. He felt lucky to be out of that area with his brother. But when he turned around, he realized that he was not so lucky. Because he saw that his brother, who was behind him, had been shot. Having trouble getting over the shock of the event, Yavuz is brought to himself by his childhood friend Tunahan, a member of his team. Although he does not want to leave his brother Yavuz, who has to,and swears to avenge his brother. The year was 2020. Yavuz spent a full year trying to find Sinan Criminal for the revenge of his brother. However, along the way, Yavuz learned that Sinan Criminal was actually the murderer of his family. Now everything came together and Yavuz had no strength to endure. His friends Tunahan, Savas, Baris, Yasin and Azat were the only ones who supported him in such a bad situation. After a few months, Yavuz, according to the intelligence he received that Sinan Criminal was in Los Santos. There was only one thing left to do. Yavuz, who would do anything to get his revenge, was ready to say goodbye to his friends. It was time to go. But his friends said that they would even go to death with him. And finally, these 6 friends were led by Yavuz, took their way to Los Santos to take revenge.

Our Family Goals:

- Recruit new people from the city and make them one of the most powerful people in the city.
- Respect every member of the family other people in city.
- Do not break server/city rules.
- Be loyal to members of the family.
- No sexual harrasment.
- No racism.

Long Term Goals:

-Becoming the one of the top family in the city.
-Winning as many family events as possible.
-Keeping experienced players in the family while recruting new ones.

Business Model/Family Operations:

- Production and sale of fruits and vegetables.
- Production and sale of charged batteries.
- Theft of luxury and rare cars.
- Robbing outside of the city and in the Ghetto.
- Trafficking weapons, ammunitions and drugs.
- Flipping and selling items on black market.
- Bank Heists and Store robberies.
- Collecting profits from businesses.

Family Ranks:

10-LVL Crew: Founder and the leader of the family. Makes all the decisions.
9-LVL Crew: The second in command in the family. While leader is not in the city the crew makes all the decisions for the family.

8-LVL Director: The third in command in the family. They take care of the family by helping out the family members when needed.
7-LVL VII Turfer: Has good skills with weapons and has priority in events.
6-LVL VI Pickle: Assists the director, provides integrity.
5-LVL V Veteran: The family members who helps the family to get better.
4-LVL IV Vigilante: Member that gathers other members for events.
3-LVL III Experienced: More experienced members than rats. Who knows how to make money, drugs and shooting.
2-LVL II Street Rat: The family members who learned the basics.
1-LVL I Newbie: The last in command in the family who wants to earn how to make money easily and how to live in the city.

Family Rules:

1-Respect to everyone.
2-Don't be toxic.
3-Attend events as much as you can.
4-Obey the rules of the server.
5-Don't steal anything from the family assets.
6-Don't leave the vehicles outside and without fuel.
7-Don't antiafk in the family house.

Family Outfit:

Lets Gooo ++++++++++
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