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Your ID
Players nickname
Jonny Odds
Suspect ID
170849, 170841
Date of violation
Jun 12, 2023
Time of violation

Jonny Odds

Curator of FIB
Senior Administrator
Dec 7, 2022
In my POV you can see that these individuals got into DOC however.

While I arrest a 10-15 they interfere with the RP in a non-RP or realistic way. After that 170849 goes through the closed jaildoor using a chair, which is just an abuse of how chairs can be used in the game - so bug abuse GR 6.23. Thats most likely how they got in in the first place.

At 00:15 his mate 170841 tries to do the same, but fails since its the wrong side of the jailbars. I cannot validate 100% if he does it later on but in my clip you can see the ID of 170849 doing the chair-trick again to get out of the DOC main door, indicating that the doors were closed and they couldnt get out by themselves - so how did 170841 leave the doc then? Since both know the bug and he also tried it (you can see it in the footage that his ID is sitting down and teleporting from A to B), its highly suspectable that he also used the bug to get out of DOC Main Door.

EDIT: Since I accidentally posted second footage as first footage, here is the original footage I wanted to post, but both show it. What Im talking about is this video:
Last edited:

Ercan Can

Jun 20, 2022

ID 170849 will receive a punishment for Bug abuse
ID 290406 will receive a punishment for UB
ID 170841 will receive a punishment for UB​
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