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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury

Rejected RDM-Scarlett Pluxury/Alex Odd-For curator of the project

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Your ID
Players nickname
Oti Baxwell
Administrators nickname
Scarlett Pluxury Alex Odd
Jan 22, 2022


Nov 14, 2021
Was given demands at beach market, after approaching a group. They gave demands to me and my friends, threating our lives, in kind I moved around for about 20 seconds close to the scene then smoked them with my friends. Since there admin friend was there, watched them give me demands then i get RDM since they got smoked. They kept guns out, armor out and knew what was going to happen but yet i somehow get RDM even tho scene was clearly still active and was less than a min long situation. I dont agree with the fact Scarlet seems to think even though i was given demands, that i need to return demands? As if someone tells me "Hands up" i need to reverse uno card and say "No YOU hands up" before shooting them...... I'm confused again on how these 2 admins believe there was 0 RP, It is clear ME and my FAMILY MEMBERS are given demands by a group of people, 30s later they are killed. If YOU choose to give demands to people then you have set the RP, why would i rply need to give demands AFTER Demands are given to me???? Once again if someone tells me HANDS UP, i dont need to RPLY by sayin NO YOU....that would be ridiculous.

6.15 When outside the GHETTO you must engage in RP before shooting someone. For example issue them demands and if they do not listen to your demands within 5 seconds you can shoot them. | WARN

Essentially they are saying that when someone gives you demands your choices are Stay and die, Run away, or RETURN demands then you can kill them??? Why wouldn't i be able to shoot them after they GAVE ME DEMANDS??

10s before i begin shooting they are still aimin guns towards my ALLY after giving me and my family members demands
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Alex Odd

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
All answers u have received in DM same as on forum in previous topic.

Screen from POV which clearly shows that no one have any guns out pointed on you Screenshot

Start of RDM: Screenshot

No RP - clear and pure DM which was also confirmed by Admins POV same as by Other persons involved in this situation from your side which clearly confirmed that u have started whole DM situation and they where involved in it by ur fault as u have just start shooting without even any tryout of RP, and basically them where received warns for this course of DM which was started by you.

And your toxic, rude and disrespectful way to discussing in DM lead to ur other punishment .
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