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Players nickname
Kayleigh LeBlanc
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Jul 7, 2021
Time of violation


May 28, 2021
While at a party thrown by Fluffy Fingers which he invited me to, I was attacked by some of the members of the hood rich family. I cuffed them in self defense to prevent the attacks and then ID 22421 uncuffed an assailant who then attacked me again. 22421 was off duty and not at the capitol nor was she in uniform. This enabled people to give me death threats and attack me. It borders corruption and interfered with FIB uniformed actions.

Screenshot of chat log showing her uncuffing people after they have been cuffed: imgur.com/a/rTF0UYx
Second screenshot of chat log showing her uncuffing people while I desperately try to call for help: imgur.com/Im1hoJP

Scarlet Haze

Jul 4, 2021
I am sorry Kayleigh but you know it was not my intention to make u feel bad, I uncuffed 1 or 2 people that you cuffed because I clearly didnt know at first what was going on, i thought u guys were joking and stuff then i saw the rp chat and realised its not a joke and i stopped uncuffing immidiatly, if i was literally wanting to break a rule i would keep uncuffing people. I know i broke the rule for not being on duty but i really thought its a joke at first... Other than that I let them be and i just dissagreed with the thing u were doing... one person attacked u and not everyone.. it was 20vs1 with ur statement.. noone agreed on what you were doing and now that i heard u've put a report on me because i clearly didnt know what was going on because people kept running to me saiyng uncuff me Bianca please and i just did it and i uncuffed 2 of them i think not more and i think that was not really fair from you since Andy was there when i told him that i stopped doing it as soon as i found out what the issue was...But if ure that into this report...why dont u mention the insults u said in the chat when u guys were arguiing.. its not fair that i get blamed for fail rp when u were doing OOC insults... saying how stupid someone is that why is he crying etc.. u should be more professional about fib... eat the insults and dont spit em back... I already said sorry for the uncuffing, it was my bad for not listening to the issue that was going on cuz there were 20+ people and i was literally confused cuz there was also music and we were dancing and clearly didnt know what the hell was going on. i said sorry ooc i will say sorry ic and hug it out. Cuz we girls should stick together and not be throwing s*it under eachother's feet...


May 28, 2021
There were no ooc insults. I'm sorry you felt that way Bianca. I don't have any grudge against you, I was told to file a report when the administrators viewed my POV and I asked what to do about the situation because there was so much to unpack. I sat down and let the admins review everything and they all had conflicting opinions about how it should be handled, ultimately the decision was that i should report this being the only clear rule break.

If you can remember the point where you think I was ooc insulting you, I will even give you the POV to report me with.

Scarlet Haze

Jul 4, 2021
The issue is i dont want to report u, cuz after that i understood ur situation and respected it, the issue is that i told u i dont know anything that was going on... we usualy have fun and keep cuffing eachother and slapping eachother to death at the fam house when theres no rp requiered sometimes and i thought that happened with u aswell and thats why i uncuffed tyler the 40k+ id and carlos... u know i wouldnt do it if i knew that u had a reason. after i found out that u had it i stopped it was just 2 uncuffs.. i am sorry for it deeply u know it and i hope u accept the apology because i dont wanna hold any bad opinion about u because we all enjoy being in this server and doing their job. i know i messed up by not asking first about what happened and i first forgot ure using chat to communicate with us. the issue is that i dont feel like u shouldve reported me for that because i clearly explained that i didnt know what was going on they ran to me to uncuff them. if u were using mic i wouldnt do it but i didnt follow the chat first so i didnt know anything about what was going on... u shouldve understood that. And i am really sorry about making ur work harder but i swear to god i didnt know what was going on at first.


May 28, 2021
You see the pov of you uncuffing him right after he says "uncuff me im going to kill this bitch". I'm in uniform at the time and you aren't. What would make you think that it is joking? What authority do you have off duty and not in uniform to uncuff people attacking a federal agent?

I accept your apology but the larger issue here isn't even about you Bianca. This is a much bigger issue with the organization itself failing to train its members who have the power to do exactly what you just did. It's a failure of GOV for not teaching you that you just cant do that when another LEO is cuffing someone.

I was under attack and had demanded they back off, I drew my weapon and shot at the guy to stop him, then cuffed him instead of killing him. You mean to tell me you didn't see the people attacking me that whole time? A group of people against one person?

You mention the key glockz thing like it happened before that all of the assaulting of my character, but it happened after I asked them to cut the music, where you uncuffed him too. He was the fourth person you uncuffed and i didn't even get that part recorded.

Rules of communication
3.3 All players must be able to communicate in English and IC chat must be English only.

I can use the IC chat in English, because of that I am still following the rules. There is no rule that requires the use of a mic in the rules of communication. Sure you can lobby to change that if you like; However, at present its your own fault for not noticing the chat, not mine.

" if u were using mic i wouldnt do it but i didnt follow the chat first so i didnt know anything about what was going on... u shouldve understood that"

In RP we use /me and /do to depict our actions in chat. So we should always be mindful of the chatbox just for this reason. Saying what is quoted isn't an excuse for not paying attention. The only thing I understand is that GOV isn't teaching people properly and are allowing this to take place. Wasn't Fluffy Fingers dancing on a party bus while all this was going on?


May 28, 2021
To respond to your statement: "Other than that I let them be and i just dissagreed with the thing u were doing... one person attacked u and not everyone.."

In this clip you can see I am attacked by 3 people, shot at by one of those three, and continually assaulted while its happening.

In this clip you can see I'm not even looking and a woman comes from my right side to attack me. That makes it four attackers. I drew my weapon at her to keep her from continuing her assault and she threatens my life again. (all IC of course, i don't believe any of what was said to me went past IC)


May 28, 2021
if fluffy invited u to the party..why did u come in a uniform.
I am always busy doing something, meetings, answers questions, reviewing applications, writing case files, gathering evidence.. I rarely get a minute of down time. I have to run off at a moment's notice to go handle stuff and usually late at night I'm the only high command on. Sometimes when you put the work in the work doesn't stop. I didn't intend to stay, just to stop in and say hey to Fluffy and chat a minute, then head back to work. Going off duty for a few minutes just to do that would be a waste of valuable time where I need to be in uniform when called on, or when someone is trying to reach me on the department radio.

Scarlet Haze

Jul 4, 2021
that still doesnt let u show up on a party in a uniform on someones personal party on duty.. 5 minutes or 1 hour.... we were all off duty... jsut saying... other than that u wrote this report for me, i told u that i am sorry and i didnt know what was going on... ur statements are really sad to read. Again I am sorry if u felt attacked. Thats all im gonna say and its my last reply...Hope the admins review this quick... cuz if u really want me banned or smthing i still wont understand why.. anyways gl and ty.


May 28, 2021
I don't want you banned at all!!! You really need to understand this isn't intended as an attack on you personally. This is a failure of GOV the organization.

To respond to this: " Again I am sorry if u felt attacked. " I don't feel attacked at all. my CHARACTER however, was attacked by mutliple people there.

Of course there is no rule saying you cant be at the party, I have a lot of reasons for wanting to show up to a party loaded with criminals, I get valuable intel off of seeing all those criminals in one place mingling with GOV. as FIB its my duty to investigation corruption and root out the most heinous of criminals, and it just so happened that there was two gangs present with you all there, I believe that falls under both things.

You cant really question my motives because you didn't even realize what was going on in the party while I was being attacked, I could have been there for a variety of work related reasons even if my cover was "came to chat". I wouldn't expect you to understand how FIB operates and why we do what we do.

Eternal Flawless

May 8, 2021
Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report

ID 22421 will receive a punishment for NonRP Uncuffing
When you see a fellow LEO cuffing somebody , you should try to get to the bottom of the situation but uncuffing the suspect isn't the right way and it only made things worse there . She was getting assaulted and you didn't protect a fellow LEO which raises a question on your devotion to the law and your job. However, that's an IC issue and I can't do anything about that . From next time onwards I would suggest looking out for other LEOs since technically you guys ARE on the same side .

This thread is CLOSED.

If you feel the punishment the administrator issued is incorrect, feel free to file a Punishment Appeal
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