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Rejected Personal Biography | Charaf North | 207139

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Mr Chirou

Jul 18, 2022
Name: Charaf Eddine
Gender: male
Age: 19
Race: White
Nationality: algerian
Place of Birth: algerian
Sexuality: straight
Weight: 80kg
Height: 1.90m
Eye color: brown
Hair color: black
Tattoos: no
Strengths: Skilled driver, cunning, tricky , smart , Combat Skills
Weakness: Gets angry easily

Life Story:

Charaf North's remarkable life story began in 2004 when he was born into a family facing tumultuous times. When he was just three years old, his family made the difficult decision to uproot their lives and move to Los Santos due to pressing family problems.

Los Santos, a city of endless possibilities and challenges, became Charaf's new home. Growing up amidst the urban sprawl and the vibrant culture of the city, he developed a fascination for speed and machines. As a teenager, he discovered his innate talent for driving and quickly rose through the ranks of the underground racing scene. Charaf became a renowned professional driver, earning respect and recognition for his exceptional skills on the streets of Los Santos.

However, Charaf's journey took an unexpected turn when he decided to pursue a different path. With a desire to serve his country and find a new sense of purpose, he made the bold decision to join the Army Air Force. This transition from the world of racing to the world of aviation marked a significant chapter in his life.

Through rigorous training and unwavering determination, Charaf transformed himself into a skilled pilot. His natural instincts for speed and precision on the race track translated seamlessly into the cockpit of a fighter jet. He became a pro pilot, soaring through the skies with grace and expertise.

Charaf's dedication and commitment to his new role in the military earned him the respect of his fellow soldiers and commanders. He was entrusted with important missions and became an integral part of the Air Force

1-Charaf North is a skilled driver who is proficient in navigating various types of terrain, including grass, sand, dirt, and gravel. However, it is important to note that his expertise does not extend to driving on mountains or engaging in other unrealistic driving scenarios (No UB driving)
2- Charaf North is a proficient pilot, capable of landing in confined spaces, flying at low altitudes in pursuit of people, and even navigating under bridges to track people on the water. It's important to note that Charaf does not engage in unrealistic flying maneuvers such as flying into tunnels or into the FIB garage. (No UB flying)
3- Due Charaf's experiences in close combat, he can take down 2 guys by himself (follow fearRP)
4-CharafNorth know how bulletprof bodycam's that all state organizations use work and he know their weak point so he can destroy them if he find them (/try 2 times per situation)
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Asuna ken

Mar 20, 2022

Outcome 1 & 2: No UB or Non RP driving
Outcome 3: Must follow fearRP.
Outcome 4: If you are in a org this outcome wont apply/valid

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