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Approved Hurmaci Family | Unofficial Organization

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Byruke Hurmaci

Leader Of Hurmaci
Leader of unofficial org
Jul 23, 2023
Leader: Byruke Hurmaci | 89301

Leader Discord: byruke

Family Name: Hurmaci Family

Family House: 1754

Family Leader Forum: ByRuke

Family Logo

Family Dress

Family History

Muhsin Hurmacı is the leader of the Mafia family in Russia. When the Ukrainian Mafia leader threatened Muhsin Hurmacı, he fled to Turkey. When he went to Turkey he did some illegal things and was caught in Turkey and Byruke, his spiritual son, helped Muhsin to escape to Los Santos. Muhsin Hurmacı took Byruke to an old friend of his and later made Byruke a mafia leader. The FIB raids Muhsin's house and seizes many of Muhsin Hurmaci's illegal items and arrests Muhsin Hurmaci and his nephews, called 'Nephews' in the Family. Byruke and his 2 friends realise that the Family needs to be reunited and that they need to do something, so they rebuild the Hurmaci Family and make him the family leader. When Byruke takes over the family, his main goal is to bring the family back to its former greatness.

Family Rules

- It is your own responsibility to know and follow the server rules, follow them at all times.
- You should listen to your family authorities
- Everyone has to follow the city rules.
- No disrespect
- You must wear a family dress code at events.
- Stealing from family storage or abusing weapon storage is prohibited.
- Racism or OOC insults will not be tolerated to any degree, no second chances.
- Abusing your rank permissions is not acceptable.

Family Goals

1. Becoming the best family in Los Santos.
2. Taking the control of all businesses
3. Participate in all family events.

Ranking System

(1) – Newcomers.
Hurmaci (2) – Event participator.
Genc (3) – Commander of the lower ranks, managing territories and weapons storage.
Yegen (4) – Responsible with turfs
Dayı (5) – Deputy, replaces the boss when he isn’t available.
Aga (6) – The boss of the family.
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Hassy Davids

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Jan 8, 2023
I Accept your unofficial ORG bio, thank you for applying,
enjoy and don't break any server rules, and don't go against the server scripts.
You will be given unofficial status within 48 hours in-game and discord.

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