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Rui Ace

Curator of Vargos
Apr 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Rui Oliveira
2. Your age: 26
3. Time zone: eastern pacific time
4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (Make sure to use AM , PM to make it clear) 17:00pm - 04:00 on weekdays (due to work) all day on weekends
5. Average online per day: 5 to 6 hours weekdays , all day weekends
6. Your Discord: deaudacity
7. Your Nickname : Rui Ace
8. Your ID: 240
9. I want to be curator of Crime section or State section : State section

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
I want to become an admin because I have ventured through everything Grand Roleplay has to offer icly , I have gone through all organizations legal and Crime and currently I'm leader of lifeinvader (term ends on the 2nd of December 2023 2 days from now ) and have had a fantastic term hopefully leaving a better starting mark for the next CEO my intentions with becoming admin is during my term as Ceo of li I have come to a conclusion that although it was a great experience and great for rp I noticed that my time invested was better off being used to making someone else's experience better , I hope that should I be elected as admin I will further my abilities to tend to all players needs and help them in any way I can possible to make their role playing experience better , I have come to know alot of the admins /players in this city and have come to make some great friendships I want to further this by assisting anyone I can I believe this is my next step in grand roleplay

2. What are your strengths?
My strengths are I'm really easy to understand I speak fluent English portuguse and Spanish, I take my time to understand someone's side of the story and do digging into both sides before I come to any conclusion and my ability to follow instructions

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
My greatest weakness is I hate corruption with a passion , people without bios ruin the role-playing experience for everyone and not all new comers to the city have bodycam or even know to record everything
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin? Yes I believe my time would be better spent improving other players experiences
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin) yes I don't own one
6. Any IRL issue or Situation that is Preventing you From being Active at the moment? As I stated above the only thing preventing me from being active 24/7 is work , but I will be active minimum 3 hours days

Federico Vautier

PC Checker | FIB & GOV Curator
Senior Administrator
Oct 18, 2022
Contact me on Discord to schedule an interview.

Not contacting will result in rejection​
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