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Johnny Green

Ex SAHP Sheriff of EN 1
Aug 18, 2021

1. Joshua

2. 16

3. PST (Pacific Standard Time) GMT -8

4. 2-6 hours

5. EdgE#0758

6. Johnny Green

7. 44242

Additional information

1. Leader of SAHP (San Andres Highway Patrol)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Hello and thank you for taking time out of your day to read my application for SAHP Sheriff. This is my third time applying for the Sheriff position and could possibly be my last time applying.

I want to be sheriff of SAHP because I want to make a change throughout this organization and possibly to other legal organizations. I have had months of law enforcement and high command experience necessary to lead an organization. There are also issues in legal organizations need to be fixed and I want to be the leader that can provide a solution to the problem for SAHP and for other legal organizations around. Finally, I want to guide SAHP so it can achieve it's full potential either under my supervision and/or the supervision of future SAHP Sheriffs that come after me.

#1 Experience- I joined the Organization about 6 months ago under Sheriff Jason Memes term. During my time in the org, I rose through the ranks and achieved the rank of Chief. My role was Chief of Special Agents which was SAHP's Detectives Division. Throughout Rebekah, Dave, and partially Ryan's Terms, I started to improve the division so it could be at its full potential either under my supervision or under the supervision of future chiefs. I left the organization for about a month to gain more knowledge on how I can improve the Special Agents Division. This has lead me to gain more leadership and high command experience in LSPD (Captain of Detectives) and FIB (DHOD of UC), throughout my experiences I gained more knowledge and leadership experience to be able to lead a organization to success. Some of the leadership skills I have been able to focus on are open-mindedness, taking responsibility, and selflessness which are some of the main traits of being a leader.

#2 Limit Favoritism- One of the issues that has been brought up to me many times while I was away was favoritism. This is not an issue that is stationary to one org but, is an issue in all legal orgs. While I've been away, I've gone through different orgs like LSPD and FIB. This has led me to the conclusion that favoritism is something that can't be fully removed as its human nature to want to see our friends succeed. Being a leader means being open to criticism and address problems that need to be solved. As leader, I want to solve this issue and ensure no one feels left out or feel others are getting special treatment. This would mean that organizational communication would have to be a top priority so that everyone's voices can be heard no matter what rank they are.

#3 Guiding The Organization- The main goal I want to achieve if I am elected sheriff is to guiding it too its full potential. There are a lot of people in this city and they all
are different with untouched skills and abilities. As sheriff, I want to help the individual organization members find their untouched abilities so they can grow personally
as well as grow the organization. One of the traits needed to be a leader is being able to build up individuals as well as guide them whatever job or life experience they
may be going through. This would also mean that the training/recruitment should be focusing on quality over quantity so that each individual can strengthen their weaknesses, build up their strengths, and explore new abilities.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

As SAHP is the legal org with the most danger around it because we patrol outside of the city limits. It should be crucial that a anti-hostage training program should implemented so we can avoid officers getting taken hostage so often. This would allow officers to patrol without having to panic and avoid situations that can possibly cost them their life.

#2- One of the best ways you can not only improve personal RP but, the RP of others in an organization is by giving everyone in the organization a refresh training every once in a while. This will ensure that everyone is able to keep up with a high level of RP without them feeling left out or unable to keep up in a RP situation. This will also be able to give HC ideas on who is ready to promoted in the organization as well as help the Recruitment Specialist (Human Resources and Training) division see who needs to work on things a bit more.

#3- With the recent rise from 5 evidences to 10 evidences for a gang raid, it's important for other organizations to start collecting evidence as well. My idea for that is having a 00 Officer Division handpicked by the sheriff (like the FIB 00 Program) to go out and help collect evidence for gang raids which would open up the door for having more gang raids to attend to for legal and illegal orgs. These 00 Officers will also be the one's that would help lead SAHP officers during their 3 weekly ghetto patrols.

#4- To ensure that everyone is able to stay professional while working in uniform in any circumstance, the main priority of the Recruitment Specialist branch will be Quality over Quantity. The Internal Affairs Division will also be involved so they can ensure that high level of professionalism can be seen throughout all of SAHP ranks. They will also provide support to the RS division if needed.

#5- The main thing I've noticed the lack of in the server as a whole is the use of / commands. The best way to increase RP through all organizations and the server is by increasing the use of / commands. The only way to increase that use is by giving out the proper training and proper instructions of when and where is the best time to use those / commands. For example, when placing a detainee in the vehicle, you could give a verbal command of the action as well as do /me places detainee inside of vehicle while watching their head.

Thank you for reading my application for SAHP Sheriff and I hope to be considered for the position.

Sincerely, Johnny Green


Drake Krown

Sep 18, 2021
I think I don't need to talk about how good this man is for the leadership!!! We are talking about an SAHP expert for more than 5 months and FIB expert for a good while as well!!! Good knowledge about city rules and leadership rules!!! with the skill as well!!! so Big Big up to this man here!!!

Ryan Slater

ex-Governor | ex-SAHP leader | ex-LSPD leader
May 10, 2021
Good luck Johnny,

We have had our fair share of differing opinions but you've got the knowledge and experience of the city many don't...
Excited to see if you get in, what this direction looks like in flight.

All the very best with your future endeavors... 🤠


Be toxic don't expect respect back :)
Oct 7, 2021
Best of luck to Johnny, Worked with him during FIB, has a passion for RP I think he would make a great Sheriff !

Alisa Cash
Bloods Government National Guard Federal Investigation Bureau Marabunta Grande
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