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Rejected Leader Of San Andreas Highway Patrol | Yuriy Preobrazhensky

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Aiden Vuitton

Blacklisted 4/01/23
May 10, 2023
Leader of SAHP.


1. Your name IRL: Riley
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: AEST.
4. Average online per day: depending on weather I'm working, and how often I am on, it can be from 2-10 hours or maybe more.
5. Your Discord: jayfederov
6. Your Nickname: Yuriy_Preobrazhensky.
7. Your ID: 34416

Additional information

1. Leader of... SAHP
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
I. I have always aspired to become a leader of an organization as SAHP has been one of my favourites aswell as my first organization i joined when i first joined city 3, SAHP has always been a organization that has a soft spot in my heart, and i think it will be a good organization to begin my leadership career.
II. I aspire to become the leader of SAHP to improve the org, i have seen many sheriffs in SAHP and i believe i can be one of the best there is, increase bonuses, give ranks to those deserving of it.
III. I want to make SAHP as active as i can, and ensure that the entire SAHP is attending events, and actively patrolling the County of Paleto bay and up to DOC, and rather than going into city we focus on the County rather than the city unless SAHP's presence is needed in the city.

3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization. My advice for improving the roleplay within SAHP is to increase the amount we patrol the county Aswell as doing highway patrol's every day, and have fun events for the members of SAHP, and have a PR team to do Public Relations for the citizens, and ensure we are giving our Employees good bonuses to encourage them to be active, i will also try my best to get the team to use the correct RP commands.

My deputy's:
Warrior Richboy.
Experiences: Sahp undersheriff (2 terms) Fib Assistant Director (1term) Lspd Cos (1term) Usss(2 term) Director of USS (1 term) Government Cos (1 term)

Dutch Memati: Has quite alot of experience within FIB, and SAHP. (Cant get exact ranks as he is not online)

My experiences:
1x Undersheriff
2x COS in FIB
1x Assistant Director
1x DCJ (GOV)
1x Major General (NG)
1x Deputy of families.

Thank you for reading, Goodluck to all other candidates.

Aiden Vuitton

Blacklisted 4/01/23
May 10, 2023
Have an update for another deputy who is being considering for the position.
"Abby Vuitton" as one deputy.
Obviously this is not entirely finalised and will be decided upon leadership.
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