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Rejected Shooting outside of zone at Store robbery/ Families

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Players nickname
Tommy East
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Jul 26, 2021
Time of violation

Tommy East

Jun 18, 2021
LSPD responded to a gun store robbery and was met with immediate hostile activity. We were told we have 20 seconds to leave the area with no negotiation whatsoever. We complied and stayed on the outskirts of the area waiting for back up from fib who at the time could not see the department chat due to lack of rank. In my bodycam you'll see me and officer Rosa get fired on by multiple rifles from on top of the gun store. The lack of rp and negligence to the simple rule of shooting within the zone is unacceptable.

David Barnes

May 10, 2021
I'm not involved in this one but you guys honestly have to stop making reports like this and ruleplaying and maybe start actually negotiating or fighting at store robberies. Every single time we make it a shootout (by giving demands to leave the area) you all cry about how there is no roleplay and no imagination used.

The one time I did a store robbery with a hostage after speaking to you guys, we gave demands, you all lost and report us for a rule that doesn't exist.

Yesterday it was the same shit over again, we make a nice negotiation for you guys (not even asking for free passage or abusing the stupid circle meta). We ask for some LMG ammo and don't even want to complete the store robbery, we just wanted to make a hostage situation. You know what you guys did? You barely talk back and end up telling us you can not give ANYTHING from your warehouse. Afterwards we try to ask for money and you guys just leave us with the hostage saying "we fear for our life so we will leave".

Instead of leaving you guys do what you always like to do and go to the edge of the circle to bait shots, I literally watched POV today and you guys keep coming in and going out. How is it okay to go in, take shots at us, back out so you can act like your being shot out of zone, and then go back into the zone to shoot us?

You are literally being shot by ONE gang member that doesn't even kill you. If you even have a tiny bit of compassion you will understand that it might have been a new guy and that people were definitely yelling at him to stop. Do you really think this guy shooting a few bullets is the reason you guys lose the store robbery?

You go up to this guy and say "You know you fucked up, right?". Does getting one person to fuck up make you feel like you won the entire store robbery? Because trust me you didn't. You still lost your just trying to fuck gangs over another way.

lack of rp and negligence to the simple rule of shooting within the zone is unacceptable.
This is one of the most hypocritical things I have ever read in my life. You guys don't roleplay yourself in negotiations and for some reason you feel like you always have to win or it's nonRP because imagine the cops not winning that's not very realistic is it... I see cops shooting from out of the zone every single store robbery and do you think I'm going to make petty reports about it?

You guys are by far the worst LSPD org I have ever seen in my time on the city. It's literally free wins for gangs all the time because all you do is sit outside zones and bait rulebreaks.

How about you start doing your job and play the game. Honestly I don't think there is any gang out there that enjoys "roleplaying" with you guys. Imagine trying to get every org you see warnings when they beat you.

Maybe all of us should just stop doing store robberies or interacting with police at all.

Sam Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 7, 2021

After reviewing the evidence i decided to Deny this report

i don't see any ID who shot you and i don't hear multiple people shooting and i don't see any cops going inside of the circle to negotiate.
Insufficient evidence​
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