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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Feb 6, 2024

Melissa Knusper

Nov 22, 2022
Hi Mazhor,

I got banned yesterday In grand rp discord for Helping Cheaters / Inviting Cheaters / Deceiving the story to that ban is that I got banned on en3 for investigation after making a thread for why I get banned Federico told me to Join Private 1 VC for a PC Check as soon as I did this he told me to screen share I had no problem with it but then he told me to show my chats with some persons on discord I didnt want to do this not because I have something to hide just cause of the fact I dont want to share personal Information with him so I told him I wont show it and then he told me he would ban me Ingame I thought to myself why? there are no proofs Ive ever helped a cheater/cheated myself or deceived him all I told him is that I wont show chats cause its too private for me and then he just banned me on both of my dc accounts with the reason Helping Cheaters / Inviting Cheaters / Deceiving and thats simply a lie I am leader of a gang on de4 I need to be on the dc and what federico did was just banning me without any proofs for anything I want to be unbanned in the dc it cant be that he banns me for nothing just cause a "friend" of me got a cleaning ban.

Federico Vautier

Black Market Curator
Senior Administrator
Oct 18, 2022
You know full well why you got banned, and I didn’t only check you, I checked each of your friends and they were happy enough to show the DM history between you and others who also got banned, so idk why you stating the info in DMs was private.

After checking yours and your freinds history on German Servers, its clear and apparent you know what they are doing since they are banned there too for cheats,

Inviting these same people to Bloods Turf, and then later trying to sabotage them by refusing to give POVs to the leader putting the org into disrepute.

Organisation's logs clearly show you inviting all these individuals which puts you at responsibility

Your DM History extends very far back indicating you clearly know them and the excuse of “I dont know what they were doing or cheating” isn’t gonna cut it this time 🙂

Furthermore, all investigation details with proofs were provided to chiefs before your ban, deceiving Curator of Project is not the smartest of ideas.

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021
No one asked for any personal information, simply asked to clarify and prove you are innocent as clear evidences are with us that shows all the DMs between you and the cheaters, so you had the chance to prove it but I am guessing you decided not to!
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