Around 11 months ago I was banned by Mazhor for general 1.4, all 4 of the accounts were banned. The accounts were my two brothers who made them and I talked to Mazhor in a VC about it with Jack where I made my two brothers speak. My main account was unbanned and I thought this was solved until now. You can check the "Twink" accounts I have not longed into them at all and they are all have been banned.
This was when there was tickets in discord. Ciaran states I got unbanned for having siblings which I did but I wasn't banned for cheats It was for general 1.4 that I got banned for. This ticket was denied and I was back in the server.

This was when there was tickets in discord. Ciaran states I got unbanned for having siblings which I did but I wasn't banned for cheats It was for general 1.4 that I got banned for. This ticket was denied and I was back in the server.