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Lane Stevens

May 25, 2021
Name: Lane Stevens
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Date of Birth: 09-20-1985
Nationality: American
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Head strong, Determined
Place of Birth: United States
Residence: Classified
Parents: Deceased
Height: 6
Weight: 280lbs
Body Type: Muscular
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blonde

In his glory days Lane father’s fortune 500 company brought him fame, fortune and success. With all that money Lane’s father’s high-flying lifestyle left him with little more than a massive tax bill. Lane’s father is said to have made in the neighborhood of $50 million over the course of his lifetime. But when his father died due to a work related mysterious death, Lane’s family owed the IRS millions in unpaid taxes.
Eventually, his collection of personal memorabilia was auctioned off with all of the proceeds put towards the massive tax debt that his wife inherited upon his death.

These events ultimately forced Lane’s mother to declare bankruptcy and seek refuge in government provided housing. With Lanes new found life he quickly adapted to his surroundings and was forced to work the streets with gang members to help his mother pay the bills. Through the years living the gang life he obtained integral information about the streets, gangs, slang, and the general scoop on what’s going on in the “ghetto” areas of the city.

Lane never forgot about his Father and the mysterious way he died. so when he was 17 years old, he started doing his own research to uncover the killers who murdered his father. He was well-versed in the research on it. He even met with an investigator as well. This very same investigator inspired Lane to strive for his new life goal, “to account for the men who killed his father”. With this becoming a part of his new life’s goal, Lane took the knowledge of the streets worked his way up to becoming an FIB agent were his skills as a gangster helped him solve the murder of his father.

-Lane would be able to use any weapon he desires when in gunfights based on her experience as a gangster.
-Lane would be able to take weapons from criminals for personal use.
-Lane can use any weapon he picks up off the ground to complete his job.
-Lane would be able to work with FIB informants and pay for information or evidence
-Lane would have special hidden micro cameras he can use and hand out to informants or other people to collect information from the city.
-Lane would have a lead foot and speed and disobey road laws to keep cover.
-Lane would be able to attempt to flee when being chased by gang members so they wont blow his cover if they try to stop him.
-Lane would be able to fight a 1v 2 if there are not 2 guns pointed at him.
-Lane would be able to use vehicle, daily service weapons, and ammo, off duty for personal reasons and protection.
-Lane would value the lives of the The Lost MC family, His family, above all others.
-Lane would take bribes for favorable sentencing or to have a criminal removed from the FIB most wanted.
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Zac Zero

May 26, 2021
Upon reviewing this request, I have decided to Accept this Biography.
I have to go against outcome number 3 and outcome number 2, the rest should be fine.

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Sam Pluxury

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
May 7, 2021
AND outcome point no 7
you still have to stop if its 2 cars and 4 people

AND outcome point no 9 is not approved
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