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Gonzalo Dior
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Murder Swayze
Mar 7, 2022

Gonzalo Dior

Jul 5, 2021
Good night. Im here to explain the story from the beginning and trying to summarize so that can be explicit.

Like most of the players on all servers, I use redux. In one of the informal maps that i was playing, i have killed someone through the wall (admin told me), but for me there was no wall so i didnt even noticed. I just noticed in my POV after

I want this to be clarified, that before of any report of this situation, I went to talk with the Administrator Murder and explained that maybe I found out why I killed someone through the wall, because I went to play the same informal map and only later in the POV that I saved, I noticed that in the distance the texture was not loading, but as I got closer and closer, it was already loading. As I've always been a fair player and I never needed any kind of advantages for that, I didn't have any kind of problem and I immediately reported the situation to the admin.

Only after I had explained the situation to the Administrator, I received a report on the forum from a guy I killed, asking for my POV.
The admin told me that everything was going to be fine, so I put my POV at the report, which is where I really discovered the texture problem, and uploaded it. After a little while, I saw that I was banned for 15 days. I think it's totally unfair since I reported a bug that I had myself, instead of keep quiet and start using this as advantage. Mazhor, you are the creator of this, you know that at least 80% of the players in this big community use redux. You must have already dealt with texture loading situations. I immediately received a lot of messages from people I didn't even know, with the same problem of missing textures. This is a game problem, because even without redux or with another redux, the texture problem is common in many players computers. Just because I use a redux and the view distance at low, i had unluck that the texture didn't load, does it give the right to ban me 15 days? I know that using a redux that has no drug effect is BANN, that's right. Thats always the first thing that i check, if the new redux that im trying, have drug effect or not. I'm not going to look at every single inch of the map to see if the texture loads or not. In fact, I never used redux on the ING server, and sometimes I had problems to load some objects.

Again, I never used this to my advantage. As soon as I saw my POV at the end of the event, I saw right away that something was wrong with the textures, and I reported it. I just had a good attitude, of a player who just wants to help the community by solving or at least reporting this type of problems, and i just got a 15 days bann from it.

I also want to add that i was the Ballas Leader, meaning the gang was automatically frozen. Not receiving any information about that, the administrators were already placing announcements so people can apply Ballas Leader, it makes no sense. I accepted more 30 days of LeaderShip, and what i see is people applying for Ballas and texting me saying admins told them to apply for it.

I'm sick of people saying that the gang is inactive when you are the administrators, you can the see the logs. This is not the ING server, the community here is super small, the numbers in the gangs does not work like that. But still, I've been focusing to much to recruit people and I really did it. Inactive gang that has weapons in the organization's warehouse, does it appear by magic or with events? Just look at the turf map and a person who doesn't even play this daily can see that there are only Ballas and Vagos in terms of territories. We have been to the ghetto countless times and more and more! I want to point out that we just don't go to more Clandestines because now we have to deal with the big problem of losing weapons, thats why the ALL THE GANGS are not doing this event, which in ING server I think is the biggest event in terms of Gang.

I have spent money to buy prime and luckly the house is paided for more then 15 days. Otherwise, with all this unfair situation I would have lost everything.

I hope I managed to explain everything right, any doubts I'll be here to clarify.
Im just asking you to handle the situation fairly, as I really wanted to help the community in some way, and I reported the issue right away rather than using it to my advantage. Check all my overall account. Never did anything wrong

Thanks, Gonzalo Dior

Cupido Prada

Jul 3, 2021
To be honest I have same issue with the server lag o texture not loading sometimes takes time is a server lag o sometimes people play on low graphics / settings Bcz they have a bad pc only in that map peoples texure doesn’t load o they takes time Bcz there is so many things there like building and small objects that server needs to load from far away I hope he gets unbanned Bcz he didn’t use anything that gave him advanced as he said he immediately reported the issue that he was having on his side the admin should have spoken with u mazhor and solve the issue but instead Gonzalo got banned just Bcz the server was having a lag o not loading texture he doesn’t have wall hacks o any cheat that gives him advantage .

Bolota Dior

Feb 5, 2022
Im having the same issues lately and I have a good PC.
Yesterday we raid Mara salvatrucha and after the raid ended all my family had left except me and i could still see them running against the walls and i shot them to try and they were taking damage and they were already 3km away from me. I don't have pov but I took a print and you can see on the radar that it's not well. The raid for me never ended up just after restarting the game.

Today we pass by the zone next to the informal that gonzalo got reported and it was bugged. Check video and image

I never saw trees like that, I have a RTX 3060 and normal settings but this last days the game feels so horrible to play.
Its from today because I always delete my povs 48h later if not I had more examples to show.

I suggest to report this bugs, dsyncs, texture loading so they can fix.
Its unfair a guy like Gonzalo that help a lot of players in server and a honest guy get banned for this. I hate people that cheat but this is not a cheat in my opinion.

Ps: I dont use redux!


Jun 18, 2021
It happens to me sometimes when I’m going in to ghetto and map doesn’t load fast enough and even my fps drop
It seems like the server is not well rendered.
On the event that we did past weekend zombies vs cops I even had to relog cuz when I was spawned I couldn’t see walls neither listen to people talking, it got all bugged.

Im sure gonzalo never used it in a way that he would get advantage out of it because he doesn’t like hacks/cheats or any kind of program that gives you advantage in game and he comes from EN1 so he is a guy that plays this because he like it.

Ps: I’m not saying this because he is my fam member or something like that, I’m saying this because of what I know him.
his fam is my “fam rival” ingame.

Murder Swayze

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
Jan 27, 2022
I want to note that before the complaint on which I banned the player, there was at least one more complaint from the administration assistant on the other day of the same event, where the player also kills in the same place. For the fact that he confessed (nly after I asked for his record) that his textures were disappearing, I gave him a 15-day ban instead of 60 days, which I think is fair. I believe that the fact that a person confessed does not change the fact that it was used as an advantage.
For the rest of people, I can only advise to remove the redux as it can affect the textures to avoid such situations.
Waiting for the response of the curator of the project.​
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