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Fateh Grand

Jan 1, 2023
1. Fateh
2. 18
3. GMT +5.
4. 2-6 hours.
5. itsfateh
6. Fateh
7. 259263

Additional information
1. I am applying for the leader of Los Santos Police Department.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

- Experience: I have spent an uncountable amount of time in the LSPD, making new friends, meeting many unique people and even starting my LEO journey from there. I have been there since the start of Federico's term and have been a part of the Police Department multiple times following that term. Helping myself to know the main focuses and goals of the police department and how it functions, it has truly helped me shape on becoming a sharp and good LEO.

- Goals: One of the things on why I want to be a leader for this specific organization is to complete many goals for the organization, finally setting up a healthy and actually functioning fining and towing department, having a high quality of HR and IA who both incorporate and make use of proper roleplay along with setting up procedures that are more friendly towards officers while also being legally okay.

- Increasing interactions: LSPD has lacked proper interactions with the citizens and has sadly dissolved into very low quality of roleplay and interactions. I want to increase not only the standard of quality of roleplay and interaction with other citizens but also with other law enforcement officers. Along with increasing the attendance at events, but not pushing for numbers but rather a very concentrated and lethal force which would help us increase our effectiveness at special missions and events.

- Focusing on the true goals: LSPD has often forgotten one of its true purposes and goals, towing and fines. It has gotten severe over the few terms and I want to refocus the department on that. There is a severe need for the organization to balance its importance for events and enforcing the traffic code. Officers will be encouraged to properly balance out their duty time among these two tasks which will also help achieve our goals.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

- Increasing the usage of radio in a proper manner will be one of my goals, radios have now turned into only people screaming orders and conversating with one another without proper roleplay. My goals would be to increase the level of roleplay, teaching officers proper radio codes, and teaching them on the proper usage of radio and how to avoid misuse. There will also be stricter punishments for radio misuse.

- As mentioned before, I also want to increase the standard of communication in-between citizens and our units. Units will be trained on how to properly and confidently interact with officers, with IA conducting legal tests and other inspections throughout the week to keep the PD in healthy shape, this will greatly increase not only the level of interaction but also help build a more legally secure organization.

- Departments will be ordered to strictly adhere to their assigned roles and not mix each other duties. Along with HR specifically being instructed on proper and high quality trainings to ensure that the units are upto date which will also help increase roleplay quality considering the units will be much more confident to pursue and talk to citizens.

Thank you for reading my application,
Fateh Grand 👑🕊

Bob Bonkers

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Feb 24, 2022

Punishment history includes Leader rule 1.1​
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