in this situation I was getting chased by only one car before it was an orange rental car, not even a gang car and people in there even not in gang clothes 52% they asked me to pull over it was only one car so didn't pull over in ghetto after that a cyber truck showed up and 5 min after the pink car showed up at that time I already completed, my 15 min in ghettto in a chase and as per rules I guess I am allowed to go in the city and in city, they tried to pull over me and try to rob and kidnap me and then I went to the family house of mine there they came and started to ask me to get out and get robbed in the city I said go to forums then they called an admin and they were talking to them by that time I was clearing my trunk I was casual because I knew they cant rob me or kidnap in the city then ii was giving guns and clothes to one of my family members and when admin asked me I told him I am giving him clothes and.............when i was about to say guns iwas demorgened jailed for fear and fail rp and now 60 days something for lying an admin
in this pov, you can clearly see I was not given time to speak before getting jailed if time was given i was saying i gave guns
i called elite prime and Abraham after that and i said them i gave him i already accepted that then too a thread was made to ban me
I am the person who is trying to say you cant rob someone in city and kidnap and on top of that I am getting a jail
is that legit?