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Manc Matty

Nov 28, 2022
Organization: EMS

Name: Manc Matty
Gender: Male
Age: 73
Nationality: English
Place of Birth: Manchester
Sexuality: Lesbian
Eye color: purple
Hair color: purple
Tattoos: Chest, both legs, both arms and neck
Strengths: Excellent under pressure, Good shooter, driver and pilot
Weakness: Cannot stop drinking coffee!

Life Story: Manc was born into a bad area, where life is hard, where she was constantly surrounded by crime and poverty. Manc tried her best to stay away from it, and keep nose clean and out of trouble. Growing up Manc had no plans for later life, just creeping between gangs and criminals, trying to stay out of sight and out of mind.
As Manc got older, she realised that her hands were powerful, and were capable of many bad things, and causing harm to many people, but at the same time, she learnt that her hands could also do many great things, and help people just as much as she hurt them!

Career Story: Manc left the gang life in Manchester to head to Los Santos, as she heard it was a nicer place to be, but shortly after arriving, learnt that crime is more widespread than she thought. She started her career at LSPD where she started from the bottom and was very quickly a Captain on the SWAT team! This was very exciting, but Manc had many sleepless nights thinking about the people she was hurting, day after day with her great shooting!
LSPD had to close down for a short time, and while this was happening, Manc saw EMS were recruiting and saw the light, could this be the way to make up for all the pain she had caused? She could use her hands to help people and make them better instead of causing more pain and harm.
She enjoyed treating peoples injuries and performing very hard operations, and even found love, or what she thought was love, but soon got hurt by the first man she ever loved. This has lead Manc to lean more towards lesbian relationships, but with that hope that she will find true love one day , maybe make a family of her own!
After many months Manc was working very hard, but still very poor, when she learnt ways that she could improve her income, doing a bit of buying and selling of not-so legal items, but rent is expensive and Manc has bills to pay!
Many months passed, Manc was working hard as usual, trying to make ends meet. Manc managed to move on to NG after her friend became General, and got even more experience using weapons of all kinds, as well as learning many military tactics. Manc enjoyed this very much, and even got a taste for the blood of her enemies!!
After more months passed, Manc ended up joining the Government! At first this was just as a janitor, cleaning the toilets and making sure the Capitol building is always shiny clean! After some time Manc worked her way up the ranks, through the USSS , to First person protection force, which is what she was dreaming of since she joined. After this she became Deputy Governor, and held this position under 3 different Governors!
More time passed, and Manc came to the realisation that she had met the love of her life, but the city did not allow same sex marriage, so it was time for Manc to be brave, and do something many could not believe, she got a sex change through EMS and built up the courage to ask the love of "her" (now his) life!!
The wedding was a beautiful day, possibly the best day of Mancs life! He was soo happy, but his wife had an addiction to flowers, many many flowers, all the time, constantly dropping them and looking soo sad without them. Over time, this took a big hit on Mancs finances and it has now come to the point where he has to look to deeper places to make the funds to pay for all the flowers, she deserves them all!

Only Outcome:
1- Be able to do any kind of illegal activities only while OFF DUTY (Must still follow server rules)

Oghi Flann

Retired Senior State
Nov 7, 2022

Have fun and follow the rules!
All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOCly​
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