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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Kevin Lamo
Administrators nickname
Mar 14, 2022
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYNyHQfkR3Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbhTXEkkLS8&feature=youtu.be

Kevin Lamo

Jan 29, 2022
to be honest this is the weirdest punishment we ever received.we didn't even get a chance to send POVs and there is no forum complaint.all this happend based on 57 second POV.there is 60-70 players on the area fighting and admin thinks 60 people is fighting without reason based on 57 second video.
The proof he sent me
" they are just coming unarmed and talking english to take POV like they did nothing after they lose the fight they are just trying to punish us with admins which is working sadly.
even the orginal proof admin send us.check 0:11 "105051" says "ben burda rolü verdim" it means i did the RP to fight. translate it from turkish to english because both sides talks turkish

proof they attack our home first to steal panels without talking they are shooting from 100-150 meters and admin asks where is audio :D
also they came 3 times in 40 minutes all of them just die and come back

proof we go there after they attacked us and we go there to steal their panels and return the favor.

we don't have to RP or count from 5 because they attacked us first.for something to be RDM it needs to be done WİTHOUT RP or WİTHOUT REASON.
our reason is clear we are just fighting BACK

I also want to ask admins about why there is no forum complaints ? and why admins didn't asked us for POV before punishing us.is 57 second video really all you need to punish people ?

Kevin Lamo

Jan 29, 2022
Oh since abbas already told me we don't accept other languages as RP then its okay we are waiting for punishment to opposite family since its clear in the POV both parties Roleplay in turkish

Abbas Shah

Slapped that PR, saw them crouch
May 21, 2021

Here no RP is done when engaging in killing them

To your point that it was revenge killing, This POV can also be shown to prove that you guys were infact RDMing

Kevin Lamo

Jan 29, 2022
So let me get this straight.
when they come and shoot us without RP there is no problem but when we go to them it counts RDM ? also as i said we did RP just not in english.you guys have turkish admin you can just ask him if you wanna find the truth.

when we RP turkish it doesnt count RP but opposite family not getting punished for same thing ?

for second POV 1 family member does not prove anything these guys attacking us on our own house for 1-2 hours non stop dying and coming back fighting is not over when they wanna stop it.we battled for 1-2 hours because they attack.its not over when they put their gun on their pocket and act like they are not fighting.if you need we will provide non-cut POV for 2-3 hours so you can see.

also please give the punishment for the metagaming at second POV they are talking from discord and you can clearly hear the sounds and start of the video he says "im gonna mute myself because i will take POV let me know from the situation" which proves other family members in the fight also they are meta gaming

Alex Odd

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
Our server is English , all your NON English speech will not be counted as "RP"
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