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Approved Personal Biography | Matthew Astoria | 238136

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Matthew Astoria

Nov 3, 2022
Name: Matthew Astoria
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Race: Caucasian
Nationality: British
Place of Birth: United Kingdom
Sexuality: Straight
Weight: 11st 2lbs
Height: 6"1
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Purple
Tattoos: Dragon on Left Calf
Strengths: Driving, Marksmanship, Teamwork
Weakness: Mild Aggression, Slight Trust Issues

Life Story:
Matthew Astoria was born in the United Kingdom, where he spent his formative years before embarking on a journey that would shape his destiny. At a young age, Matthew displayed an inherent talent for driving and shooting, skills that would later prove pivotal in his tumultuous life.

During his teenage years, Matthew's family relocated to Russia, where he found himself drawn into the underworld, mingling with the wrong crowd. Seduced by the allure of fast money and reckless living, he became entangled in a life of crime. Despite the dangers and uncertainties that accompanied this lifestyle, Matthew's exceptional driving abilities and marksmanship set him apart, earning him a reputation among his peers.

However, as years passed, Matthew grew weary of the constant threat of violence and the ever-looming specter of law enforcement. He realized that living life constantly looking over his shoulder was no way to exist. Deep down, he harbored a desire to make a positive difference in the world, to leave behind the shadows of his past and forge a new path towards redemption.

With determination burning in his heart, Matthew made a life-altering decision—to leave behind his criminal associations, emigrated to the State and enlisted in the army. It was a bold move, driven by a desire to channel his skills towards a noble cause and to contribute to the betterment of society. Joining the military offered him the opportunity to not only utilize his exceptional driving and shooting abilities but also to serve a higher purpose, protecting his country and its citizens.

As Matthew underwent rigorous training, he found discipline, camaraderie, and a sense of belonging that had eluded him in his previous life. He embraced the values of honor, duty, and sacrifice, understanding that true fulfillment lay in serving something greater than himself.

Throughout his military career, Matthew distinguished himself as a dedicated and skilled soldier, with unwavering commitment to the mission. His journey from a troubled youth entangled in the criminal underworld to a respected member of the armed forces serves as a testament to the transformative power of determination and the capacity for redemption.

Today, Matthew Astoria continues to serve with pride and dedication, driven by a profound sense of purpose and a steadfast belief in the possibility of change.


1- Matthew is a skilled driver who is an expert in navigating various types of terrain such as grass, sand, dirt and gravel, due to being a skilled getaway driver for the gang he was employed within in Russia. However, it is important to note that his expertise does not include driving in the mountains or other unrealistic driving scenarios (no UB driving).

2-Due to Matthew's experiences in close combat, he can take down 2 guys by himself (with following Fear RP)

3- Matthew improved his shooting skills while being in the gang, becoming renowned for his marksmanship.

4- Matthew knows how bulletproof bodycam's of all state organizations works and he knows their weak point so he can destroy them by /try to search for bodycam and /do to destroy it. (Only If Not In A Legal Org.)

Asuna ken

Mar 20, 2022

Any and all server rulebreaks will lead to punishments and rejection of bio.​
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