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Hauckyyy Fraud
Administrators nickname
Tom Jackson
Apr 13, 2024


Feb 25, 2023
Player ID: 70061
Game Name: Hauckyyy Fraud
Why would you be banned? Blacklist
How long were you banned? 9999
How long will your sentence last? 9999
Why should we unban you?
Today, I found myself unexpectedly banned from the server due to a Blacklist violation, a decision that has left me perplexed and seeking clarity. Upon reaching out to the administrator for an explanation, it was revealed that the ban was attributed to a YouTube title I had used, along with allegations of doxing.

Delving into the matter, let's address the YouTube title first, as it seems to be the focal point of the ban. The title in question was "CORRUPT DE3 ADMINS
| Hauckyyyy," which I employed in a video uploaded several days prior. I must admit, I'm taken aback by the severity of receiving a blacklist solely based on a title. My bewilderment is compounded by the accusation of additional doxing, which I find unfounded and puzzling.

The genesis of the title stemmed from recent events within the server's administration. In recent weeks, there has been a noticeable uptick in rule changes and internal policies that have left many players feeling disoriented. It's become increasingly apparent that there's a lack of clarity surrounding these rules, with some feeling they are arbitrarily enforced. In expressing frustration with these circumstances, I chose a title that reflected the perceived corruption among certain administrators.

However, it's crucial to note that this title was intended as a form of expression within the context of a YouTube video, rather than a direct attack on individuals within the game itself. I firmly believe that criticizing the actions of administrators or the server itself should not warrant such severe punishment, especially when expressed in a non-intrusive manner outside of the game environment.

I understand the importance of maintaining a positive and respectful community within the server, and I assure you that my intention was not to disrupt or harm that environment. Therefore, I respectfully request a reconsideration of my ban and the opportunity to continue contributing positively to the community.

PS: heres a picture with translation from the Admin .

Best regards, Hauckyyy
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