So in this pov
this group of people randomly came to our neigbourhood and killed our friends first and then i went there to talk cause we are in the city and this is obiviously rdm they dont have any reason to kill us unfortunately i couldnt hear them cause some in game problem a lot of people having this problem anyway i was saying ' you dont have any reason to kill us why you killed my friend and why are you guys shooting randomly?' They just did cause they bored. Its not over yet in this pov
i was sitting on my drive way with my friend same player with id 41038 and other group of people pulled up and they were invading my property. My friends came over and i politely ask them to leave my house i saw that its not working i demand them to leave so u see they killed my friend and me in front of my door. Please, please do something about it. This game starting to be frustrating because of this type of people. And here some more ids; 79677-28385-131400-117077
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