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Ruben Bussdown

Dec 19, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Ruben
2. Your age IRL: 27
3. Time zone: EST (GMT -4)
4. Average online per day: 4-8 hours, occasionally longer when workflow allows.
5. Your Discord: Ryker821
6. Your Nickname: Ruben Bussdown
7. Your ID: 135242

Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

I. Experience- I have vast experience across many gangs, one term as Deputy and More than a year worth of experience as Underdeputy. Vagos was the first gang in which I spent the full term as Underdeputy. I believe its my time to step up to leadership and put Vagos back on the map.
II. Innovation- I have many ideas, both new and old, that can lead to new ways of structuring and leading a criminal organization. Some examples include a restructuring of how ranks are assigned upon joining, a cap on HC positions, and a strike system partnered with training to insure we teach members how they're messing up before kicking or blacklisting.
III. Underdog factor- Vagos is often an overlooked gang, many terms Bloods or Ballas are expected to be the best in the city, many times this is due to their overwhelming numbers, as well as their locations in main ghetto. Under my leadership Vagos will be a true contender not based on quantity, but quality of the members.

3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization.

A high level of Roleplay is pivotal to the success, and enjoyment, of ALL orgs. All players suffer when there is no competition. Vagos will focus on competing with other gangs in ghetto, while maintaining alliences when it is beneficial, to insure success across the Criminal sphere. With State side a high level of RP will be expected from highway robs, hostage situations, store robberies, occasional ATM robberies with the gang, and FZ raids. RP can suffer at the hands of toxicity, therefore I will make a point to minimize toxicity by harshly punishing those who engage.

Goals for the term:
-Having the right deputies to lead the gang, especially when I'm not in city
-Ensuring proper high command to keep the gang active and ensure rules are followed at all times
- Maximum spray profit at all times, thanks to well organized spray team
- Utilize deputies/ HC to their fullest to insure minimal rule breaks and strong leadership
-Optimize bonus structure to insure activity
-No toxicity/ disrespect in gang
-Activity spaced throughout all hours so that everyone will be able to attend events
-Dominance in Ghetto as well as all events attended
- 100% turf capture
- Set up a proper interview guide to ensure all members know the rules

Rank system
14. Leader
13. Deputy
12. Killa (Reserved for the MOST TRUSTED, hard to achieve, tasked with training HC)
11. Underkilla (Underdeputy)
10. Shotcaller (Beginning of HC)
9. Enforcer (junior HC, tasked with training lower ranks)
8. OG
7. Warlord
6. Corner Boss
5. Jackboy
4. Hitta
3. Lookout
2. Junior Banana
1. Banana
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