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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Fnc Jit
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Oghi Flan
Apr 30, 2024


💀 Baro , How are u ?
Mar 26, 2023
Only For Bobby,

Good evening Assuming You already know the issues I was banded for "Helping" a evader - i believe assasin Rich who was one of the 2 deputy's of NG , Nor I was the One Who Putted him as deputy nor I had any money , trade relation with him and my account you can run a check i wasn't even online for a month before yesterday

You already read the screenshot
I don't think a helper of an evader writes in an attitude of moking him for being so addictive to a game that he evades knowing for a fact doesn't even prove anything I am No ip checker mostly his family also know what he does they can't prove or have any interest in it so someday will you ban 50-60 people for a guy I the ss i clearly wrote " why did you take him , don't you know he evades , buying gta s , Just to play this game "

I think You saw the leaders Response it was live streamed to 3 seniors i clearly haven't helped him with rank , money , assets, contacts even knowing him for few days i missed the part where I helped him evades maybe you think on a lovely day we planned his evader and made his deputy but the thing is I don't care about him I won't have even notified Ender if oghi haven't asked there are many evaders and many people know them not helping them they all exist in the same space , same time some even claiming getting their voice recognised by seniors but still roaming unbanded

Maybe assasin will get his ban reduced with his contact with media the main funny thing is me helping him when I told him why you made him saying that maybe he evades in curator chat if I had to hide I'm no mad that I talk rubbish

I know you want me gone long ago i just want to know why am I being charged with helping him when I didn't help a guy who's doesn't even matter to me. My dms weren't checked i would have been happy to show no secret plans for evader in my chats
You can't charge me with any sentence such as (" I am acting") as I don't placed him nor I helped him

Your team just found Informing someone that he might be evading means they are with them if You guys are so sure that I helped him then be my guest check my Discord and game account and find 1 interaction : )

Thanks 😊

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

has been reviewed and will not be unbanned, both you and the leader clearly knew!
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