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Raj Titan

Aug 6, 2023
1. Are you 18 or older (age OOC): Yes (19)
2. Time zone: (GMT+5:30)
3. Daily time active on the server (XX:XX AM - XX:XX PM): 16:00 - 20:00 and 08:00 - 10:00
4. Average online per week (hours): 40 - 45 hour
5. Your Discord ID: raj_titan
6. Your characters' name (IC): Fedriick Stormrider
7. Your ingame ID (Main and twink): 284849 and 303322
8. Your ingame level: 41
9. Prefered curator of (State or Crime): Crime
10: Languages spoken: English and Hindi

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?
--> I have been in city more then 1 years I have been wonderful role play experience in the city State orgs & Crime orgs and I want to give a some break to the RP I always see that how admins help thousand of people daily. I always love helping people, I want to punish those who doesn't follow rules for good RP. Now after experiencing a lot in server Now I want to convert myself as a helping hand toward the New player And my wonderful Team of Administrators.

2. What positions have you held in the city? (Crime/State/Leader of Unofficial)
--> Bloods - (UnderDeputy x2)
Ballas - (OG-Balla x1 and Underdeputy x1)
Families, Vagos, Marabunta (UnderDeputy x1)
Captain in SAHP
Lance Corporal in LSPD
Doctor in EMS
Assistant Senior in LI
Deputy of Unofficial Family

3. What are your strengths?
--> I am hardworking and determined. I can stay calm in the face of problems and find quick solutions. I can learn
anything very quickly and get comfortable to do that work. I am a good listener. I am always positive about

4. What are your weaknesses?
--> I can easily overcome my problems when I face it and my previous mistakes and I am an overthinker. Some time I become anger If I caught someone lying near me.

5. What skills can you bring to the admin team?
-->I will respond everytime and as soon as possible I will always understand the situation and then punish anyone and I will talk respectfully with anyone and I will help the
team whenever its needed and I will give my best when I will become an Admin.I can work with the admins team effectively. I can help the team with the experience so far
that I have gained from playing the server from a year.

6. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
--> Yes (I do not have any business)

7. Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment?
--> No

8. Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?
--> I am excellent on handling highly pressurized Situation. I have many creative ways to keep calm when working under pressure. I can take right and fair decision in any situation.

Tyrell Johnson

EN1 Senior of Unofficial Orgs and Supports
Senior Administrator
May 14, 2021

You have had punishments in the last month. Be clean for a month and then try again.​
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