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Rejected Easy anti cheat ban? | 198879 | RAGEMP/Mazhor

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Your ID
Players nickname
Abu acee
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Apr 18, 2024
Time of violation

Ace Youngstar

Mar 29, 2024
My id:198879
Hello, I think I was banned by anti-cheat or something?

It says you were blocked because you have a foreign program or something like that on your PC
I have no idea what that means
I hope you can help me because I've never used a cheat or hack or something like that and would like to know the reason for the ban
Could it be caused by having a VPN on your PC? because I have one on my pc. Or if you switch your weapons too quickly?
I read that you can be banned from both things
I don't have a clip of it because it started with connection lost then the next day it said I was blocked, whatever that means
Because I haven't made any modifications to the game other than my redux, which is also legit
I haven't changed anything else, I really hope that something can be done about it because I haven't done anything wrong.
I hope I can take part in the project again because I love the game very much and a lot of my friends also play this game and I would like to be able to play this game with them again
I hope that I can be helped with this. Of course I can also do a pc check
here is my discord name: ace.youngstar

Lg abu ace with the id:198879 I hope you can help me or tell me the reason for the ban.​

Aleyna Tired

Curator: State
Server Administrator
Jun 17, 2023
Nach Einsicht der Beschwerde und der mir vorliegenden Beweise, komme ich zu folgendem Entschluss:
Die Beschwerde wird abgelehnt.

Bitte hier posten. Hier ist der falsche Bereich.

Ich wünsche allen Beteiligten trotzdem weiterhin viel Spaß auf GrandRP!​
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