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Alan Kun

Nov 5, 2022
1. Are you 18 or older (age OOC): 25 years old
2. Time zone:(GMT+2)
3. Daily time active on the server: 15:00 to 22:00
4. Average online per week (hours): 30 to 40 hours
5. Your Discord ID: 754665099901272064 / a1an99
6. Your characters' name (IC): Alan Kun
7. Your ingame ID (Main and twink): 48149/ 241278
8. Your ingame level: 50 lvl
9. Prefered curator of (State or Crime): Crime
10: Languages spoken: English, German, Arabic and Kurdish

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?
Starting off, I have been in city for around 3 years now and a long the way I have gained a lot of experience and knowledge about the city and the way it runs. My experience varies from multiple organizations coming from Crime and a long the way I have learnt many things, I have a quality in Crime and It is something I have been great at for a long time now, with this gained knowledge I believe I can help a lot and make a better experience for everyone. Adding on, Crime is one of my great specialities I have gained the understanding of all of the rules and I can strongly say I know most of them

2. What positions have you held in the city? (Crime/State/Leader of Unofficial)
Legal org :
Elite Agent FIB
Secret Agent FIB

Illegal org :
Deputy of Bloods x3 times
Deputy of Marabunta
Deputy of Vagos x1
Under Deputy of ballas x4

Unofficial :
Gravitas HC
The Lost : HC
Sinaloa : Turfer
Smiley : Turfer
Hideout : Deputy
Kingsman : Deputy
Free soul : Deputy

3. What are your strengths?
Answer : don't trust easily , Problem Solving , Friendly with Everyone , Motivated . Responsibility , Loyal. i speak multiple languages like German, Arabic , Kurdish
4. What are your weaknesses?
Answer : Showing Mercy , getting angry easily

5. What skills can you bring to the admin team?
Conflict , Good time management , positive thinking , Good listener and communicator

6. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
I have no business
7. Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment?

Tyrell Johnson

EN1 Senior of Unofficial Orgs and Supports
Senior Administrator
May 14, 2021

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