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Rejected Personal Biography | Aiden Societas | 334243

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Aiden Johanson

Mar 13, 2024
Name: Aiden Societas
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Race: Turkish
Nationality: Turkish
Place of Birth: Istanbul,Turkey
Sexuality: Male
Weight: 90
Height: 183
Eye color: Brown
Hair color:black
Tattoos: none
Strengths: Great Perosnality,Confident,Sharp Shooter
Weakness: Controlling,Impatient,Scared Of Spiders
Life Story:
Aiden was born in Turkey and since he was a little kid he wanted to become an Gangster like his Family. One day he went to a Grocery Store with his parents, but When he went to the Toilet something sad happened. When he was in the Toilet he heard Shooting and screaming, when he left out of the Toilet he saw his Mother and on the Floor Dead with bullet holes in her body. The Father was running away from the crime scene. In that moment, Aiden Turned his desire to become a Gangster to get revenge for his mothers death. He joined the most active gang in LS, Ballas. He was there for many months trying to use information to find his Father and the members that killed his dear Mother After many gang wars, he decided to change to The Families. He spent many years to come rising in the Gang, making a name for himself. He eventually became under deputy for the gang, a trusted position within it. But as he saw no successes in finding his mothers killers, he cooled down. And Continued to Look For His Mothers killers . From there it went partially good, he found the people who killed his mother, and found his father, but dead. Right now he wants more.

1-Aidens Societas knows his chemistry so he learned how to make serum of truth that he can use to get information from anyone(/try twice per situation)
2-Aiden Societas is a skilled driver who is proficient in navigating various types of terrain, including grass, sand, dirt, and gravel. However, it is important to note that (No Ub Driving)
3-Aiden Societas know how bulletproof body cam's that all state organizations use work and he knows their weak point so he can destroy them if he find them (/try 2 times per situation using /try to search for bodycam and /do to destroy it.)
4-Aiden Societas Has Been In a Gang For Very Long Time And He Is not Afraid Of GunShots note: (Without Breaking Fear Rp) (Can Be Calm While Getting Guns Pointed At)
5-Aiden Societas Is A Skilled Fighter So He Can Take 2 Guys By Himself (following Fear Rp)
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