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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Players nickname
Arthur Mack
Administrators nickname
Darren Miller
Aug 10, 2021

Arthur Mack

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
May 16, 2021
So I got a warning AND a demorgan for 3 hours from Darren miller for shooting from HQ. In the thread that I made about a vagos member shooting inside our hq(ballas),I meantioned that one of the vagos member was shooting inside the hq from the top of the megamall(can be seen in the proof that I provided). I saw the bullets coming inside the hq and thats why i pulled out a gun from my bagpack(that was an instant reaction) and started looking for the guy who was shooting inside the HQ. I shot exactly 2 bullets towards him but due to the grill bug,the damage wasnt registered and I put my gun back. After putting the gun back inside,I realised that I was still inside the HQ and I was breaking a rule,thats why i rushed outside but I got hit by one of my own gang members who was driving a vehicle and registered some damage myself. There was one more guy from the vagos gang who was already shooting at me so i took a cover to the nearest wall so that i could heal myself. And that guy just came inside the HQ and shot me and my fellow gang member(Itachi God) making both of us unconscious. We tried to tell him that he was shooting inside the hq and thats a city rule break but it was too late.

I really apologise for my actions and I admit that I was wrong in this case. It would be really kind of you to please remove my warning and demorgan so that i can play in the server. Also I promise that you wont be receiving any complaints from my side in the future. Thanks a lot for reviewing my thread.

Arthur Mack

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
May 16, 2021
Ok so can you please ask xavier to review my thread so that he can understand my point of view and remove the punishments i got?

Xavier Escuela

Jun 26, 2021
If the chief administrator agrees, I would like to have him unwarned for the first and last time.
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