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Aug 10, 2021
Name: Robert Treblene

Gender: Male

Age: 96
DOB: 08/20/1925

Nationality: Irish

Place of Birth: United States

Hometown: Connellsville PA

Parents: unknown

Height: 5’10

Weight: 80 kg

Eye color: Brown/ Green

Skin town: tan/bleached white

Bio: Robert Treblene was born in a small town of Connellsville Pennsylvania. He was an orphan since the age 10 when he parents were executed for crimes that neither of them committed. At the age of 14 Robert Treblene found a job at a chemical plant in his hometown where he was responsible for cleaning and repairing the mechanical arms that stirred the large vats of chemicals. However, on his 16th birthday Robert Treblene was working on repairing the last arm of his shift when he couldn’t reach a part while still attached to the railing using the safety line, so he undid the line and continued down the arm. Robert Treblene has always been the “bull in the china shop” of his orphanage and that clumsiness caught up with him as he slipped and fell into the vat of unrefined chemicals. He wasn’t in the vat long but he was completely submerged into the mysterious chemicals. The chemicals ended up scaring Roberts face causing his face too look horribly bleach white and naturally dyed his hair a bright green. When Robert finally pulled himself out of the vat he felt no pain and felt no discomfort so he let a smile shine as a moment of bliss of enjoying the life that now seemed like borrowed time. The chemicals however had broken down Robert’s muscles on his face making them soft and able to shift from their original resting position and when Robert smiled it reached from ear to ear splitting the flesh on the side of his mouth creating large scars down the sides of his lips creating a permanent smile on his face. This disfiguration made Robert Treblene unadoptable and he spent his last two years at his orphanage learning to accept his new deformity.

When Robert turned 19 he was sent to a mental institution after a mental breakdown caused by his inability to accept his current condition and hurting one of the heads of the orphanage for making fun of his condition. At this institution Robert became friends with almost every single patient in his ward. As he knew he was sane he took up the responsibility to stand up and help his fellow patients from some of the harsh treatment given to them by the current orderlies. Robert began his study of law and passion for justice inside that insane asylum as he knew threats and violence could never change the way places like this and like justice systems were run. So began Roberts goal to change the system to allow for true justice for all and in order to do it Robert knew he had to work within the system to do it. Robert got his first license to practice law within that insane asylum and he helped reform the laws of his state to better accommodate for its mentally insane citizens as well as helped establish programs within orphanages and day cares that helped children get into contact with people that are currently in their field as a way to bring back “Apprenticeships” as a way to get into the future fields of their choice.

Although Robert had finally gotten his life on track and could finally consider himself someone that could be valued in his society, he still faced issues with his scars. He hated the feeling of being feared by the children he was trying to help and hated the stares he would get as he walked down the street. However, Robert getting his license while being registered as criminally insane was a huge story for the nation. “the killer clown with a sense of justice” was a headline used throughout the country. The news article caught the attention of an up and coming comic book artist who reached out to Robert Treblene and asked to meet with him. Robert Treblene and this artist became amazing friends almost immediately. Eventually as the night went on the artist began to talk with Robert about potentially using him and his story as the foundation of a super villain he wanted to add to his comics. Robert was reluctant to agree but stated that he would consider it when the artist finished his first comic centering around this character. Thus, the first Joker appearance made its way into the batman comic collection and Robert Treblene fell in love with the character. Although he didn’t actually think this would help his self-image he loved the idea that there would be a character in popular literature with the same infliction as him and gave it the green light. After a few years of its release the joker took off as one of the most popular villains seen in comic books at the time and Robert Treblene soon lost the title of “killer clown with a sense of justice” but gained the title “ The True Joker” as he believed that it just takes one bad day to make someone do something horrible so we should not treat criminals as monsters but as misguided or damaged/scared children.

Now that Robert has concurred his insecurities with his looks Robert continued to practice law with the motif as the joker. Wearing suits that match his color scheme, driving cars like the jokers, and even getting the jokers lip makeup tattooed on his scar as to make him finish the transition into the character. However, Robert began to notice that he would not age like his colleagues and friends that he grew up with. The chemicals that Robert had fallen into had caused his cells to go into a state of self-sustaining stasis. Which essentially means that Robert will never die of old age nor will he grow old and weak however, he is capable of dying by any other means such as disease or beaten to death. Since this discovery he decided to move to the state of Los Santos as it was rumored to be one of the most crime ridden and chaos driven places in the world. He believed that it was his duty to bring the jokers undying justice to los santos to help make it a better and more understanding place while protecting those that are susceptible to its overwhelming chaos.


  • Robert Treblene has the joker makeup and will be unable to take it off because it will be scarred onto his face.
  • Robert Treblene, although not insane himself, had to survive within an abusive mental institution so he is unbothered by unfavored odds as he would have to fight the criminally insane as well as the trained orderlies meant to restrain the inmates.
  • Robert Treblene has a strict sense of justice and would never commit a crime knowingly or willingly; however he does not believe in reporting victimless crimes as he knows this is needed to keep society balanced
  • Robert Treblene does believe in justice for all and will be seen associating with illegal organizations as he knows these are the groups that are most vulnerable to injustice and are the ones that would have more knowledge about corruption.
  • Robert Treblene takes his job as an attorney very seriously. He loves his job and is proud of the way his job runs and any critique on his performance that he does not believe correct he will defend himself as he would his clients.
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Melvin Lacoste

AKA lactose intolerant.
May 9, 2021
I will be Accepting your BIO but this will be considered a personal BIO and point 5 as it refers to your job is Rejected.

Floki Vilgeroarson

New to this
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 19, 2021
Incorrect format + some outcomes break the rules, apply for a new bio
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