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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Sirius Cash
Administrators nickname
Vick Klaus
Apr 7, 2022
https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/77736/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6xANx1w6VM&ab_channel=DopeGaming

Sirius Snake

Nov 1, 2021
Hello I got a warning for shooting in a gz. In the POV that the officer uploaded you can see the officer shooting at me from the gz before getting car rammed and dying and that is the reason I shot at him. Later in the POV you can also see me healing the other officer. I admit as you see in the POV I did shoot into the gz at the officer but it was never my intention coming into this situation to do that. What I did was very stupid and I apologize for doing it. I hope you accept my apology and reasonings and remove my warning. Have a good day.

Vick Klaus

May 8, 2021
Hello Sirius Snake

Hope you are doing good. It's good that you accept you did wrong shooting into GZ and regret your actions. I would have liked to consider reducing your punishment as I believe in second chances to improve yourself.

But I hope you had not lied here. Can you send the time stamp where the officer shot you first like you claim in the comment above? Because as I can see in the POV of that thread, at 0:35 both your friends SHOOT at HIM first and then you join your friends and start shooting at 0:38 and after like :10-12 seconds officers shoots you at 0:49 when he is Car Rammed.

So basically you had started shooting at a person inside GZ who had no gun on him. :) Please watch the POV before you claim something because then it will look like "You are lying to admins and deceiving admins"

I will leave it to Alex if he wants to reduce your punishment but I would personally keep the WARN on you because not only did you break the rule, you came and lied about it here.


Sirius Snake

Nov 1, 2021
Hello Sirius Snake

Hope you are doing good. It's good that you accept you did wrong shooting into GZ and regret your actions. I would have liked to consider reducing your punishment as I believe in second chances to improve yourself.

But I hope you had not lied here. Can you send the time stamp where the officer shot you first like you claim in the comment above? Because as I can see in the POV of that thread, at 0:35 both your friends SHOOT at HIM first and then you join your friends and start shooting at 0:38 and after like :10-12 seconds officers shoots you at 0:49 when he is Car Rammed.

So basically you had started shooting at a person inside GZ who had no gun on him. :) Please watch the POV before you claim something because then it will look like "You are lying to admins and deceiving admins"

I will leave it to Alex if he wants to reduce your punishment but I would personally keep the WARN on you because not only did you break the rule, you came and lied about it here.

Hello Vick Klaus

Thank you for your reply. If you read carefully you can see that I never said he shot at me first and you can check because this was not edited to prove you wrong I never said he shot at me first. Also I would like to add that I do not know the other 2 guys even though it doesn't prove anything I just wanted to make awareness that they are not my friends and I do not know them. I hope you decide to reconsider your personal opinion and give me another chance. Have a good day.

Alex Odd

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
Shooting in GREEN zones is not allowed and if u have filled that officer made something wrong u should complain on him on forum and not shoot in gz

Warn removed for this time, jail remains
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