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Recent content by haji_mabast12

  1. H

    Approved shooting with out demand ID: 256670

    POV: RАGЕ Multiplаyer 2023-08-20 13-59-02
  2. H

    Approved CR ID:304556

    POV: RAGЕ Multiрlaуer 2023-08-19 12-00-19_Trim
  3. H

    Rejected turkish warrior family giving radio demand

    POV: RAGЕ Мultiрlаyеr 2023-08-14 01-22-22
  4. H

    Reviewed cheater ID:296106

    u can see his aimbot clearly brother before they injure me
  5. H

    Reviewed cheater ID:296106

    look at his aimbot
  6. H

    Reviewed cheater ID:296106

    POV: RAGЕ Мultiplаyer 2023-08-13 18-59-32 i did vdm i know it but i knew he is a hacker u can see it he didnt miss even 1 shoot
  7. H

    Rejected FIB RDM ID: 0000

    POV: RAGЕ Мultiplaуеr 2023-08-13 01-00-11_Trim that is a hole org not 1 person cause of it i didnt put any id but u can see the POV clearly
  8. H

    Rejected cheater ID: 311115

    POV: RАGЕ Мultiрlаyer 2023-08-12 12-59-11 this guy killed me 1 days ago at same place i did report but someone said he is not a hacker i think at my old report u can see it clearly that he is a hacker my old report : Rejected - cheater ID: 311115 u can clearly see his aimbot he is...
  9. H

    Rejected cheater ID: 311115

    POV: Streamable
  10. H

    Approved robbing in GZ ID: 256246

    POV: RАGЕ Multiplaуеr 2023-08-09 03-22-15_Trim
  11. H

    Approved shooting with out demand ID:253101

    POV: RAGЕ Multiрlаyer 2023-08-08 12-05-08_Trim
  12. H

    Rejected request POV ID: 171401

    POV: RAGЕ Multiplаyеr 2023-08-07 20-13-34_Trim is it a rev or assault rifle ?
  13. H

    Approved fail rp ID:207139

    POV: RАGЕ Мultiрlaуer 2023-08-06 12-55-29
  14. H

    Reviewed Pov Request/3074

    and i u guys can cheek my pc if u want i am ready i dont have anythink to say i just cant record entire game that i am playing
  15. H

    Reviewed Pov Request/3074

    1 _ it might be a bug or somethink that u cant see me 2 second thik u cut the video show us all 3 third its not a event to having POV all times show us entire video that u cut 4 think i cant record entire game all the times with my respect like i said show us entire video i didnt shoot u...
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