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Recent content by Levin Pluxury

  1. Levin Pluxury

    Approved GZ 1.1 | 19937

    nice ub driving
  2. Levin Pluxury

    Rejected GR 3.2 | 176251

    He insulted me in ooc chat after i killed him and in Hindi as well :).
  3. Levin Pluxury

    Reviewed RDM | 124393

    You see i was going out of the ghetto and he car rammed me then he proceeded to kill me and when he killed me i wasn't even in the ghetto or red zone as you can see in the POV
  4. Levin Pluxury

    Rejected RDM | 19937

    bros dont know rules and hes here to yapp lmfao mickey learn rules man then do forum on others dont make fun of youself xD
  5. Levin Pluxury

    Rejected RDM | 19937

    skill issuee lolll
  6. Levin Pluxury

    Rejected RDM | 19937

    Skill issue bro
  7. Levin Pluxury

    Rejected Hitbox | 74534

    nice song btw
  8. Levin Pluxury

    Rejected RDM | 152946

    it is but its my privacy what is type. And there is no cut or anything at this time you are just acting like a biased admin im not disrespecting you but still.
  9. Levin Pluxury

    Rejected RDM | 152946

    I just came out of doc and i did not know there was a sit going on so i was just their doing my work and then i go inside of doc and by mistake punch an officer and then when i came out there was this guy dead and i saw someone shooting and i just go there and then this officer killed me for no...
  10. Levin Pluxury

    Rejected RDM | 152946

    You can see the officer at 1:07
  11. Levin Pluxury

    Rejected RDM | 152946

    I just came out of doc and i did not know there was a sit going on so i was just their doing my work and then i go inside of doc and by mistake punch an officer and then when i came out there was this guy dead and i saw someone shooting and i just go there and then this officer killed me for no...
  12. Levin Pluxury

    Rejected RDM | 152946

    All in POV
  13. Levin Pluxury

    Rejected LSPD Corrupt Bio | Levin BoomBoooom | 19937

    Organization: LSPD Name: Levin BoomBoooom Gender: Male Age: 36 Nationality: American Place of Birth: Los Santos Sexuality: Straight Eye color: Blue Hight : 6'8 Weight : 78 kgs Hair color: Black Tattoos: Chest & Legs Strengths: Honest , Good , Kind , Intelligent Weakness: Emotional Life Story...
  14. Levin Pluxury

    Rejected LSPD Corrupt Bio | Levin BoomBoooom

    is it accepted or rejected
  15. Levin Pluxury

    Rejected LSPD Corrupt Bio | Levin BoomBoooom

    Hello ? any admin here ?
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