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Recent content by Kareem Millions

  1. Kareem Millions

    Approved POV REQ | 6149

    It was a double rev we was 3 people, he got shot once by 2 different people.
  2. Kareem Millions

    Approved Unban Appeal/76295/Merk Dinero

    Good day, Admins/Mazhor. First and foremost, I'd like to apologise for previous errors. I haven't been able to play since May 14th 2022, I have really thought about my actions and how I did wrong in the past, these months got me thinking about how much I missed playing grand and how much fun...
  3. Kareem Millions

    Rejected Unban Appeal/ ID4706/Merk Dinero

    Good day, Admins/Mazhor. First and foremost, I'd like to apologise for previous errors. I haven't been able to play since May 14th 2022, I have really thought about my actions and how I did wrong in the past, these months got me thinking about how much I missed playing grand and how much fun...
  4. Kareem Millions

    Rejected General Rule 1.1

    Good day, Admins/Mazhor. First and foremost, I'd like to apologise for previous errors. I haven't been able to play since May 14th 2022, I have really thought about my actions and how I did wrong in the past, these months got me thinking about how much I missed playing grand and how much fun...
  5. Kareem Millions

    Reviewed General Rule 1.1

    Good day, Admins/Mazhor. First and foremost, I'd like to apologise for previous errors. I haven't been able to play since May 14th 2022, I have really thought about my actions and how I did wrong in the past, these months got me thinking about how much I missed playing grand and how much fun...
  6. Kareem Millions

    Rejected Capture rule 2.39 | Lorena Margiela

    Well said that was clearly dy-sync shouldn't of even gotten a ban for this
  7. Kareem Millions

    Rejected FAİL RP | 26570 4706 FIB

    I popped the trunk off the car because I had suspicion that you were carrying illegal weapons.
  8. Kareem Millions

    Rejected FAİL RP | 26570 4706 FIB

    There was you was buying illegal weapons off the black market, and also we did win the event
  9. Kareem Millions

    Approved Ban appeal | Michael_Bradno

    Free my guy up locked up for 7 days😭:cry:
  10. Kareem Millions

    Approved Families VDM ID:766

    You just mad that you broke asf
  11. Kareem Millions

    Rejected Admin Complaint

    So I was getting robbed by west mafia in the ghetto which I was was complaining that I was stalling, I don't not have POV but furthermore they call a admin (Kira Decali) and they give me 5 seconds to walk away and I was walking off because I told them I was pressing W to run but I was walking...
  12. Kareem Millions

    Reviewed Bug Abuse | Bobby Margiela

    Hello, I got banned for 30 days for bug abuse it was not in an event and was just outside of our house. But now I see the problem, and I won't do it again I would like to request an unban because 30 days is a lot of days just for this small mistake which I won't do again. Please consider this...
  13. Kareem Millions

    Rejected Apology

    Hello, I got banned for 30 days for bug abuse it was not in an event and was just outside of our house. But now I see the problem, and I won't do it again I would like to request an unban because 30 days is a lot of days just for this small mistake which I won't do again. Please consider this...
  14. Kareem Millions

    Rejected Combat Logging/Fear RP/57795

    alright didn't know your head popped, in that situation people seem to combat log
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