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Recent content by Donald Johns

  1. D

    Rejected Ban for 6.3 I Adham Pluxury

    Hi can I please get my "twink" unbanned as I was told by Bobby it would be unbanned nearly 4 months ago. I have been very patiently waiting but it feels as if nothing is happening with it. I just want to get back to this project which I love so much, that is why I am asking again.
  2. D

    Rejected Ban for GR 6.22 I Bobby Pluxury

    My apologies for using he incorrect format when responding to you. I am attempting to clarify things as I can see how it looks from the logs. The situation was he said he had a bunch of guns and ammo and such for sale, I asked how much he wanted and he said $500k which I agreed upon and you can...
  3. D

    Rejected GR 6.22 I Bobby Pluxury

    I can understand how the back and forth may look suspicious but what you were seeing is him handing me stuff and me saying no I don't want or need that so I would then hand it back to him. I am willing to accept a ban but permanent is a bit harsh since like I say I didn't steal it.
  4. D

    Rejected Investigation I Opti Pride

    Ok so I see I got 6.22, but I didn't steal anything and it wasn't even my family. In addition I paid him $500k for the stuff. I don't see how me buying it is any different than buying it at black market.
  5. D

    Rejected Investigation I Opti Pride

    If someone could tell me what I am being investigated for, I am sure I could provide information to help the process.
  6. D

    Rejected RDM I 70776 & VDM I 67728

    All in POV
  7. D

    Rejected RDM I 56791

    IN POV, I am LSPD working security for party at Bahama Mama, he killed me because he didn't want to pay.
  8. D

    Approved GZ 1.1 I 26197

    In POV
  9. D

    Approved GR 6.19 I 26197

    In POV
  10. D

    Approved GZ 1.1 and CL I 73444

    Bro learn the rules, you gave no demands and you were shooting at me before I even got out the car. Classic RDM
  11. D

    Approved GZ 1.1 and CL I 73444

    Not going to argue, enjoy your punishment.
  12. D

    Rejected GZ 1.1 | 73444

    From yesterday near SAHP? Sorry I go to so many hostage situations that its hard to remember them all
  13. D

    Rejected GZ 1.1 | 73444

    And they will continue to get more, we just have to keep POV on and let the good admins sort it out
  14. D

    Rejected GZ 1.1 | 73444

  15. D

    Rejected GZ 1.1 | 73444

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