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Recent content by Summer Raine

  1. Summer Raine

    Approved RDM| 374207

    i had just got done sending in a forum for a guy car ramming me and my friends and then when i tabbed back in another guy shot and killed me to the hospital for no reason
  2. Summer Raine

    Approved CR|352753

    car rammed into us on purpose.. pulled up to us then backed up and sped up to run us over
  3. Summer Raine

    Approved VDM| 384529| 384512

    hit me and then ran me over and killing me on purpose for no reason
  4. Summer Raine

    Approved RDM | 379738

    RDM at office for no reason also didn't realize I hit my mic hot key
  5. Summer Raine

    Rejected RDM | 379738

    was just sitting in my car at the office waiting for my husband to get there and this random guy killed me for no reason didn't even speak to him.
  6. Summer Raine

    Rejected Corruption | 315700

    PROOF of my car being legally parked when I stared the job
  7. Summer Raine

    Rejected Corruption | 315700

    The Officer took my legally parked car out of the bus stop parking lot and towed it to the side street, he got out of the tow truck to proceed to give me a fine for an illegally parked car until I caught him in the act this is corruption
  8. Summer Raine

    Rejected Fail-RP| Fear RP | 351064

    I gave commands for him to put his hands up with a weapon drawn on him and he put me in handcuffs with a weapon in my hands and then he uncuffed me I ran to the car and then the officer put me in handcuffs again while I was in the car.. I have already gotten my punishment but he should also get...
  9. Summer Raine

    Approved VDM | CR | 376533

    Guy ran me over at Fam house, I asked him to leave and then this happened
  10. Summer Raine

    Rejected VDM | CR | 376533

    Guy ran me over at Fam house, I asked him to leave and then this happened
  11. Summer Raine

    Rejected VDM | CR

    guy ran me over at my house I asked him to leave and well this is what happened
  12. Summer Raine

    Rejected GR 6.10 | 34592

    love this lol
  13. Summer Raine

    Rejected GR 6.10 | 34592

    also you deleted where you called me a cow ooc and then fact that you were like enjoy your extended vacay with your banned husband so yea okay trying to scare me about getting banned but this is the situation i didn't come at you ooc in your personal email i would have talked to you ic if you...
  14. Summer Raine

    Rejected GR 6.10 | 34592

    I never said anything about your ooc life all i said was what was told and that you were wanting to work on your ooc stuff nothing else about it honestly and it wasn't rumors
  15. Summer Raine

    Rejected GR 6.10 | 34592

    That is just horrible and I agree I don't understand why she came to my personal emails at 2:30 AM to spam message me about an IC situation and we weren't even friends on there so no clue how she found me...
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