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Recent content by opgamerop711

  1. O

    Approved RDM | 420209

    I Am Just Going On My Way And My Keyboard Was Disconnected For A Sec And My Car Crashed And They Killed Me.
  2. O

    Rejected GR 1.4 [Only main account recovry]

    hi admin Alan Federal how are you, i want to tell you that i am banned of gen 1.4 but did not do this i have forget my second account gmail and password plzzzz unban my id 120808 plzz i am 14 years old in real life plzzz grand rp is my heart plzz i am also on holidays of my school after 1 month...
  3. O

    Rejected i dont know the twink account password and gmail why i got GR1.4 GRANDRP is my heart and i got 60 day ban please i am new in game in real iam14 years

    can you plzz unban me Alan Federal i will die if i will not play this game plzz i am also holidays of school and i am also very exited to plzy this game plzzzz Alan Federal my ID 120808 Name Blac Rafay plzz have a mercy plzzzzz
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