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Recent content by Vukasin Francuz

  1. V

    Rejected Mass Rule Break | Family Dalton

    Dear Administration, In my pov you can see that Family Dalton is breaking a lot of rules. They are coming to our house shooting without counting doing Multi Kills, EarRaping and coming back to our house when they died. We are coming from other server ](RS) we wanna play here we made family and...
  2. V

    Rejected Cheat | 2779

    Ovaj account je kupljen ili je pomocu skripte aktiviran od blacklistovanog igraca. Ova porodica Vendeta vec duzi period pomaze cheaterima i deli ne dozvoljenje softvere, ciste preko cleanera racunare pre pc-checka.U sve ovo se mozete uveriti da ovaj ID to radi posto nema ni jednu zalbu na...
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