Sir i was doing shopping in beachmarket when i suddenly say that this person is scamming people selling rims for 7.2 million dollars using dirty tricks this guy should be punished sir
I was taking offers for my desert scaf and this man messaged me asked that i have something in 300k i said yes lui vi bagpack skin and we were talking about the deal and he said me to pass him the lui vi bag then i said no i will giv in exchange only and he abused me. I REQUEST INDIAN ADMIN TO...
Greetings dear admin sir
as u can see in the pov this guy is scamming in the beach market first 10 scrap metals 9k each and then changed price of 12 to 10k each and same goes to big and small gifts 1 big gift of 280k so the small gifts shouls be of 56k each but he is selling all small gifts...
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