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Recent content by Clara Lennox

  1. C

    Reviewed Pow Request | 138864

    CR is allowed on OOC events - Rejected - CR | 80532 As for the speed, I'd recommend checking If your driving skill is maxed out because it greatly affects your speed.
  2. C

    Rejected Ban Appeal | Lazer White

    Hello dear Administration, I hope your day is going well. I was recently given a Punishment POV Request |138864 for going on the curb at the racetrack race to increase my speed, I asked in tickets after the Punishment was given if general flaws in the game are allowed like Speed Boosting, Curb...
  3. C

    Approved POV Request |138864

    In the start, I believe there was De-Sync from someone's side. I can see on your POV that you kinda dragged me back slightly. Something that didn't happen at all on my side which gave me that lead slightly after when it caught up.
  4. C

    Rejected Bug Abuse | ID 59730

    I am 138864 from there and there was no gate in my eyes possible DeSync? A Car rammed all of us around 5-10 mins before the situation destroying the gates.
  5. C

    Rejected NG CORRUPT BIO | Clara Bill | 138864

    Organization: National Guard Name: Clara Bill Gender: Female Age: 20 Nationality: Greek Place of Birth: Greece Sexuality: Straight Eye color: Black Hair color: Black Tattoos: None Strengths: Has a lot of experience in many organizations. Weakness: Very Average to Bad Shooter Life Story: Clara...
  6. C

    Approved Leader of FIB | Ruby Hill

    + Big best employee and most knowledgeable of FIB than anyone else
  7. C

    Approved Leader of FIB | Sagi Hill

    Highly recommend
  8. C

    Approved CL | 101217

    CL after requesting to Be Uncuffed to fix OOC Issues
  9. C

    Rejected PG | 255201

    PowerGaming Isolation
  10. C

    Approved CL / 170851

    Person left to avoid having their backpack and car confiscated
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