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Recent content by nakudog

  1. N

    Approved rdm | 160979

    there is a lot in pov
  2. N

    Rejected [Unoff] FearRP & FailRP & MetaGaming & UB Driving & CR | Cobras Family

    31334 Fear RP and fail rp (he drop container) 9144 Fear RP 45544 CR And also need pov COBRAS Family for doing metagaming or not. we need pov request. We were doing highway rob and tried to rob 31334. These 2 guys did Fear RP, they didnt comply to role and tried to shoot us. After we took...
  3. N

    Approved Unban Appeal GR 1.1+1.4 | Mazhor Pluxury

    First of all, hello for everyone I got banned because of GR 1.1 and 1.4 im sorry for what i did. I enjoy playing GRANDRP and i love talking with new people having new friends. Im so sorry about it, i accept all the consequences, i miss everyone that i know before, i just reailized my mistake...
  4. N

    Approved RDM - 140875

    he just killed my all fam members with no reason. and i guess he is doing it just for make us enemy with shelby family
  5. N

    Approved RDM - 31968

    this is my 4th complaint today i dont know whats wrong with them to us
  6. N

    Approved VDM - 164398

    This is my 3rd complaint today to 164398 and 99316 i dont know what this guys living and whats wrong with them but i feel sorry about them. and 164398 u are disgusting btw.
  7. N

    Approved RDM - 164398

    you can see everything in my pov
  8. N

    Approved RDM + Mixing - 99316

    He killed everybody who he saw you can see everything in my pov
  9. N

    Approved Pov request - 129625

    i was covering and shoot from somewhere, i thought i got shooted from left side. thats why i cover to right side and i got hit again. i watched my pov several times and i didint see how did i dead. i want to see how did he/she killed me. this happend in bisswar btw
  10. N

    Approved using licance helicoter for panel raid and non rp driving - 148065

    Using licence helicopter with unpurpose? Alright :D i suggest u go get a helicopter for ur self.
  11. N

    Approved using licance helicoter for panel raid and non rp driving - 148065

    I have nothing much to say the video speaks it self.
  12. N

    Approved RDM - 9103 / 103543

    the situation is no longer than 30secs
  13. N

    Approved RDM - 9103 / 103543

    9103 just killed me with no reason and 103543 punched me the situation is no longer than 30 seconds.
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