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Recent content by Binnu Aqua

  1. Binnu Aqua

    Rejected MK | 14333

    He's just letting you know cuz you don't know about it
  2. Binnu Aqua

    Reviewed Pov Request | 47579

    I want to see his pov. He died after we hit like more than 200 damage
  3. Binnu Aqua

    Reviewed Pov Request | 93903

    You hit only 94 damage
  4. Binnu Aqua

    Approved Bug Abuse | 218964

    Bro I didn't ask for pov of where you enter and how I killed you. I want to see how you entered the same informal twice.
  5. Binnu Aqua

    Approved Bug Abuse | 218964

    He entered informal zone twice I want to see his pov
  6. Binnu Aqua

    Approved POV Request / E.R 1.18 | 289256

    I want to see his POV they entered on unaccesible highway
  7. Binnu Aqua

    Rejected POV Request | 0000

  8. Binnu Aqua

    Rejected Pov Request | 9331

    If you can't kill them you just run to forums right??
  9. Binnu Aqua

    Rejected Pov Request | 9331

  10. Binnu Aqua

    Approved Talking while dead , R word | 319613

    All in the Picture
  11. Binnu Aqua

    Rejected Wrong Punishment | Efe Pinkman

    As far as I know that we had no RP with the LEOs while raiding FZ and we are allowed to MK them as seen in this Both threads Rejected - Mercy Killing | 59994 https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/415819/ You can in this picture aswell that Alex said we can MK leos in events
  12. Binnu Aqua

    Reviewed MK | 50003

    Go learn rules. Gangs can MK Leo's but Leo's cant
  13. Binnu Aqua

    Rejected Bug Abuse ID: 50003

    As you can see at 0:10 sec i ate food after that i got bugged i dont know whats happening And at 1:30 when you said leave i was leaving the zone The poeple that are in the vc are not in this informal they are in futuristic battle i didnt gave any info
  14. Binnu Aqua

    Rejected Bug Abuse ID: 50003

    I don't even know what's happening and I didn't even give info to my frnds I have pov of that I'll upload it wait for some time
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