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Recent content by Diamond Soldevila

  1. D

    Rejected Stole business id| 70952

    No, you do t “just give them “ you are definitely a terrible person man you have knowledge that is mine you pretended to be my friend you took advantage of that trust and left with my business. You know it I showed you some of the evidence I have which you should know already because that’s you...
  2. D

    Rejected Stole business id| 70952

    I know that already so that’s irrelevant with what I’m providing and saying. You know you stole my business and never returned it . And don’t tell me to stop talking because I was the one who made the forum. Such ungrateful I wish I would’ve knew you were all faking it it. Because you knew I...
  3. D

    Rejected Stole business id| 70952

    Once i get back home I will provide videos of the time when I lended you the gas station and if I recall I have 3 witnesses that were there that night including and admin. So Stefano stop lying stop acting like this and assume responsibility be humble be a nice person dont screw peiple over...
  4. D

    Rejected Stole business id| 70952

    You never gave me back my business i tried I insisted you over and over don’t leave I’ll help you and get more people. You left and you took my business with you as well. So just take the 20m it’s 20m free for you and you want the house back fine take the house but just give me my gas station...
  5. D

    Rejected Stole business id| 70952

    and for the record. I tried ok? Even tho you screwed me over I tried to be nice and generous compensating you with 20m for something that I purchased something that belongs to me and was stolen you never returned it to me after you left the family. I gave all the messages saved and will prove...
  6. D

    Rejected Stole business id| 70952

    If you don’t wanna do that then we wait for admin to see what would be the options that we would have at the table.
  7. D

    Rejected Stole business id| 70952

    No I did not and I have evidence that I did not gave it to you I gave every message saved. And that’s all you can say cuz you don’t know what else to say you have no proof you know you did me wrong. So make things right or let’s wait until an admin comes and let him decide. I will provide every...
  8. D

    Rejected Stole business id| 70952

    So if you have any dignity or decency or at least some humane feelings inside you ? Do what’s right don’t disappear on me again talk to me and let’s get to an agreement. You know that besides the fact that you did me wrong I will still act positive and friendly because money is nothing. I value...
  9. D

    Rejected Stole business id| 70952

    you know that. You want the house back? Fine meet me or give me the information that I need so I could give you the house I promise you I don’t mind because you payed for it . You said it was for the family but it was a choice that you made. Not me. It’s not the same, you made the choice to...
  10. D

    Rejected Stole business id| 70952

    Bo you didn’t gave me 10m don’t lie . And the house it was your choice I don’t stole it I didn’t ran away I didn’t disappeared it was you voluntary who offered to get a family house but never once stole it from you. So do not compare because my ethics are way above that. And you out of everyone...
  11. D

    Rejected Stole business id| 70952

    I just wanted you to make things right. It’s a game ok? I was there for you I did my best to help you out in every possible way yet you didn’t do the same for me. Other people screwed you over yet I had to pay for it that is really disappointing. I didn’t want to come to this because I...
  12. D

    Rejected Stole business id| 70952

    Ok if you purchased it the. You have proof right ? Abd if so then that means thus thread is not for you is got the one that did this to me which is stefano abruzzo discord :Stefano Abruzzo#6078
  13. D

    Rejected Stole business id| 70952

    I treated you like a friend when everyone was picking on you when you needed money I gave you a high position in the family. You disappeared you blocked me and still tired contacting you I didn’t wanted to ruin “our friendship” because I really considered you a friend yet you stole my gas...
  14. D

    Rejected Stole business id| 70952

    I made the report and was decline due not enough evidence plus it’s registered so we will see. You have no respect no moral no word. I helped you out abd you literally scammed me you took my gas station away and I can prove it you will see
  15. D

    Rejected Stole business id| 70952

    I use to have this person in my family and trusted him enough considered him as a friend and we I had great plans for the family which he was in it. Ii have purchased a gas station from a player and since he was in the family i told him he can hold it on so we could have points in the family...
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