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Recent content by Zahit_Malang

  1. Zahit_Malang

    Rejected TOP G | Unofficial Organization

    Best leader and Best family 🤍🤍
  2. Zahit_Malang

    Approved Leader of Ballas | Aiden Pluxury

    He will be best leader.💜
  3. Zahit_Malang

    Approved Leader of Lifeinvader | Hamada Ninja

    +1 You will be best leader of LI
  4. Zahit_Malang

    Rejected Hello dear Grand Rp,

    I healed no one today and I cured no one in the store robbery. And i get punishment for 120min .I don't deserve this punishment.
  5. Zahit_Malang

    Rejected GR 6.6

    Hello Dear Admins i dont heal anyone and i get 120 min jail for GR 6.6 . i dont deserve this punishment . Please dont deprive me of this game
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