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Recent content by Reco Hermes

  1. Reco Hermes

    Approved RACISM | 381339

    This guy came near us and started swearing with nonsense and at the end of POV he said N-Word.
  2. Reco Hermes

    Approved VDM|371148

    If he had hit my car just once I wouldnt have opened a form Because that's a normal thing but the guy tried to hit my car more than once on purpose
  3. Reco Hermes

    Rejected Ban appeal | Saif Khan

    Hello I am the person who made forum of this guy to get punsied by his acctions but now I decide to remove my forums and help him get unbanned I am the origian person who made this forum I feel sorry for this person and I want him to have second chanse
  4. Reco Hermes

    Reviewed VDM I 258116 and I 280264

    I guess the authorities decide because they know better
  5. Reco Hermes

    Reviewed VDM I 258116 and I 280264

    random vdm in Highway
  6. Reco Hermes

    Approved Scam || 369447

    scammer for try sell me crypto
  7. Reco Hermes

    Approved GZ I 371148

    This guy threw a peak pocket at me in the green area and I know it's forbidden because parking is considered green zone
  8. Reco Hermes

    Approved VDM |362049

    At first I thought he accidentally hit me with his car. Then he came and hit me with his car again
  9. Reco Hermes

    Approved RDM | 352070

    They were doing family robbery(Hells Angels family) then they started shooting outside the ghetto and ID 352070 killed me outside the ghetto.
  10. Reco Hermes

    Rejected GZ1.3|69120 GZ1.3|316608 GZ1.3|194717

    Your shotgun at the beginning of the POV is luminous weapon skin and it will go under GR 4.1
  11. Reco Hermes

    Rejected Racism | 69120

    Brother, don't you understand the words? Kurdistan is a country, should I lie to you?
  12. Reco Hermes

    Rejected Racism | 69120

    You also mentioned racism, I don't see any racism in the video 🤔
  13. Reco Hermes

    Rejected Racism | 69120

    The recording time must be 20 seconds and at least one minute. So you can post the entire recording here
  14. Reco Hermes

    Rejected Racism | 69120

    And why do you ask where I'm from? I won't stop you 😊
  15. Reco Hermes

    Rejected Racism | 69120

    My brother, Kurdistan does not stop you from where you are, this is my country, you cannot insult my country.
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