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Rejected Corrupt without bio | ID 249902 SAHP Leader | ID 112485 (arrest officer) | powergaming

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Your ID
Players nickname
darren miller
Suspect ID
112485 249902
Date of violation
Mar 26, 2023
Time of violation

Darren Miller

May 25, 2021
we was arrested earlier in the day by an SAHP officer and was not asked to identify as we should have been by law under the Code of Procedure

code of procedures 3.5 witch states
3.5 During the detention of a suspect, the officer has the right to request
identification and search the suspect provided that the officer has
sufficient evidence and reasoning to. If the suspect refused to provide
identification they may be handcuffed and patted down for their

we was instead manhandled into hand cuffs and searched imediatly this is a clear violation of the law written out by gov as we was not given chance to provide identification with accordance to the law this is also powergameing as it forced Roleplay upon me without giving me a fair chance to react to the RP of identifying my self to the officer

we was also placed in handcuffs and not informed of our rights as per state law Detention and Arrest Procedure witch states as follows

Deatention and arrest procedure

Article 2 Detention Information subsection 2.8 states
2.8 It is imperative that the suspect understands their right, or they’ ve been
informed of their rights not less than twice, in a clear and concise

2.2 These procedures are a short-term deprivation of the civilians right to liberty. The usage of detention shall not be seen as an infliction of guilt, but rather a period of time for the law enforcing officers to gather the necessary evidence, for a potential incrimination.

at the time of being placed in handcuffs i should have been informed of my rights as stated in the detention procedure

its the first part of the video where he broke IC law the arrest for not complying was i feel unreasonable demands due to me still checking ID and wanting to ask about the IC law being Broken witch makes that actual arrest fail RP due to unreasonable demands

Evidence can be seen here >>>
<<< for the above arrest

upon heading to SAHP to start a civil lawsuit (against the officer who broke the law not a state one against the org) the Leader of SAHP said no one can force him to do anything he was unwilling to start an investigation against his own corrupt officers that in its self is a violation of the following IC laws written out by the gov and the OOC LAW written out by admins

Penal code

3.2 Obstruction of Justice
Willfully interfering with the process of justice and law.
Categorized as a Class C felony and entails a monetary penalty of
thirty-five thousand dollars ($35.000).

4.2 Professional misconduct
Conducting oneself in a manner of professionally unsuitable, potentially
dangerous to patients, incompetent, disruptive, abusive, or illegal.
Categorized as a Class A felony and entails a monetary penalty of
seventy five thousand dollars ($75.000).

4.5 Conduct unbecoming
The conduct on the part of a state employee that is contrary to the public
interests, and/or which harms their standing of the profession in the eyes of
the public.
Categorized as a Class A felony and entails a monetary penalty of
seventy five thousand dollars ($75.000).

4.6 Corruption
Conducting themselves in a dishonest and/or fraudulent behavior, by those
residing in power given by the state.
Categorized as a Class A felony, and entails a monetary penalty of

seventy five thousand dollars ($75.000).

the evidence can be seen here >>>

my friend who was involved in the situation will provide POV from his side also

Tony Gold

Dec 4, 2022
In a case where there is 3 guys walking around.
Do you think the correct thing is to request ID?
You are permitted to detain everyone on the suspicion and that's what the first video shows.
No need to real the rights when detaining you for the purpose of a search and background check.
Looks like in this case a lawyer would be more suitable to deal with then this.
For you to be aware.
The gods don't punish with penal codes.
I will make no further comment and will allow my curators to decide.

Kev wick

Nov 27, 2022
In a case where there is 3 guys walking around.
Do you think the correct thing is to request ID?
You are permitted to detain everyone on the suspicion and that's what the first video shows.
No need to real the rights when detaining you for the purpose of a search and background check.
Looks like in this case a lawyer would be more suitable to deal with then this.
For you to be aware.
The gods don't punish with penal codes.
I will make no further comment and will allow my curators to decide. you are corrupt
you are corrupt tho
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