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- Sep 30, 2023
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1. Name: Ege
2. Age: 19
3. Time Zone: GMT +3
4. Average online per day: 10 Hours
5. Your Discord: markusbolivio
6. Your Nickname: Markus Cartel
7. Your ID: 313504
Additional information
1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
2.1 Experience: During my time at SAHP, I had climbed through the ranks and worked on almost all of the departments, gaining HC in every department in less than 2 weeks of being a part of SAHP. Due to that, I’ve worked heavily on the HRT, IA, and UC department and improved both HRT and IA significantly to increase the standards of our employees as well as the standard of roleplay in SAHP. I have proven to be able to lead as during my time at SAHP working in HRT and IA, I had decreased the number of our units being taken hostage to a minimum, as well as increased the standard of knowledge of our employees by teaching (when applicable) the proper procedure.
I’ve also been offered Assistant Sheriff in the current SAHP term, Chief of Staff in LSPD, and I have also been steadily climbing the ranks in FIB due to my experience and knowledge.
2.2 Coordination: I believe that for SAHP to be successful there needs to be a far greater level of coordination than the other LEOs as we have a bigger area of operation and have to go up against more risks than the other organizations, so working with my team of High Commands, I will make sure each department does their duties to the best of their capabilities while being as coordinated and organized as possible by supervising them personally, but still giving them the power to make some of their own decisions.
2.3 Quality and Communication: In general, I can guarantee a high level of quality with leaders as I have showcased it in my work in the other organizations. I will attempt with the best of my capability to get high activity in SAHP as we had when I was present there (around 26 units sometimes on duty, with our longest convoy having almost 15 vehicles). Even with a 15 vehicle convoy, our convoys were clean due to the good communication we had between our units, and I can guarantee that level of quality and communication with me as leader, working beside all of my HCs and deputies.
But most importantly, in general, to enhance the reputation of the SAHP and set its standard for Role-playing in the Sandy Shores and Paleto Bay areas, one must ensure that one knows the High Command operation, the general identification of each unit's LEO, and communicates well with other units. I want to increase the standard level by . Develops SAHP into a family that communicates frequently, have fun together when appropriate, but also maintains a high level of professionalism and knowledge.
3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
My plan as a leader to improve the RP in SAHP, is to properly educate the staff on all roleplay commands such as (/me/do) and how to utilize these commands to enhance the roleplay scenario when responding to a situation or speaking with an individual. I realized there are multiple IC events where it is possible to increase RP such as Landslide Protection, where we place barricades to stop the workers from getting hit from speeding vehicles and conducting scheduled radars within our highways. Lastly, I want to increase the unity with SAHP and other organizations by conducting routine convoys alongside them for an overall RP experience for other orgs as well, all while keeping our city safe. I go into more detail below:
3.1 Training and Growth: While working on HRT, I realized that newer employees weren’t getting as much attention that they needed. To combat this, I worked on a better training system that improved the organization’s employees significantly while I was supervising it with my partner. In addition to the training, I had realized that some people were given promotions at times where they shouldn’t have, and some people who had been working for long hours weren’t, so I started a better system for promotions which I showcased at LSPD as the DHOD of HRT which, in turn, increased the units’ activity and encouraged them to work harder.
3.2 Checkpoints And More: As a HC of Highway Patrol, I realized there were so many IC events that we could go to in order to increase roleplay in San Andreas, such as Landslide Protections, where we place barricades to stop the workers from getting hit from fast vehicles, which I introduced during my time at SAHP, as well as radar stops and more. Not to mention routine convoy patrols, as well as combined convoys with other organizations to increase the fun for our units.
3.3 Internal Affairs & Management of Units: I believe that the IA department carries a very big importance in the organization by punishing (and issuing training where applicable) can increase the roleplay, legal knowledge, and general professionalism in the organization.
3.4 SWAT: During my time in SAHP, I noticed that SWAT was not utilized to their full potential. I want SWAT to be the first on the scene, surveying and devising the best form of action when entering a situation
Thanks For Reading
Best Regards
Markus Cartel
1. Name: Ege
2. Age: 19
3. Time Zone: GMT +3
4. Average online per day: 10 Hours
5. Your Discord: markusbolivio
6. Your Nickname: Markus Cartel
7. Your ID: 313504
Additional information
1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
2.1 Experience: During my time at SAHP, I had climbed through the ranks and worked on almost all of the departments, gaining HC in every department in less than 2 weeks of being a part of SAHP. Due to that, I’ve worked heavily on the HRT, IA, and UC department and improved both HRT and IA significantly to increase the standards of our employees as well as the standard of roleplay in SAHP. I have proven to be able to lead as during my time at SAHP working in HRT and IA, I had decreased the number of our units being taken hostage to a minimum, as well as increased the standard of knowledge of our employees by teaching (when applicable) the proper procedure.
I’ve also been offered Assistant Sheriff in the current SAHP term, Chief of Staff in LSPD, and I have also been steadily climbing the ranks in FIB due to my experience and knowledge.
2.2 Coordination: I believe that for SAHP to be successful there needs to be a far greater level of coordination than the other LEOs as we have a bigger area of operation and have to go up against more risks than the other organizations, so working with my team of High Commands, I will make sure each department does their duties to the best of their capabilities while being as coordinated and organized as possible by supervising them personally, but still giving them the power to make some of their own decisions.
2.3 Quality and Communication: In general, I can guarantee a high level of quality with leaders as I have showcased it in my work in the other organizations. I will attempt with the best of my capability to get high activity in SAHP as we had when I was present there (around 26 units sometimes on duty, with our longest convoy having almost 15 vehicles). Even with a 15 vehicle convoy, our convoys were clean due to the good communication we had between our units, and I can guarantee that level of quality and communication with me as leader, working beside all of my HCs and deputies.
But most importantly, in general, to enhance the reputation of the SAHP and set its standard for Role-playing in the Sandy Shores and Paleto Bay areas, one must ensure that one knows the High Command operation, the general identification of each unit's LEO, and communicates well with other units. I want to increase the standard level by . Develops SAHP into a family that communicates frequently, have fun together when appropriate, but also maintains a high level of professionalism and knowledge.
3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
My plan as a leader to improve the RP in SAHP, is to properly educate the staff on all roleplay commands such as (/me/do) and how to utilize these commands to enhance the roleplay scenario when responding to a situation or speaking with an individual. I realized there are multiple IC events where it is possible to increase RP such as Landslide Protection, where we place barricades to stop the workers from getting hit from speeding vehicles and conducting scheduled radars within our highways. Lastly, I want to increase the unity with SAHP and other organizations by conducting routine convoys alongside them for an overall RP experience for other orgs as well, all while keeping our city safe. I go into more detail below:
3.1 Training and Growth: While working on HRT, I realized that newer employees weren’t getting as much attention that they needed. To combat this, I worked on a better training system that improved the organization’s employees significantly while I was supervising it with my partner. In addition to the training, I had realized that some people were given promotions at times where they shouldn’t have, and some people who had been working for long hours weren’t, so I started a better system for promotions which I showcased at LSPD as the DHOD of HRT which, in turn, increased the units’ activity and encouraged them to work harder.
3.2 Checkpoints And More: As a HC of Highway Patrol, I realized there were so many IC events that we could go to in order to increase roleplay in San Andreas, such as Landslide Protections, where we place barricades to stop the workers from getting hit from fast vehicles, which I introduced during my time at SAHP, as well as radar stops and more. Not to mention routine convoy patrols, as well as combined convoys with other organizations to increase the fun for our units.
3.3 Internal Affairs & Management of Units: I believe that the IA department carries a very big importance in the organization by punishing (and issuing training where applicable) can increase the roleplay, legal knowledge, and general professionalism in the organization.
3.4 SWAT: During my time in SAHP, I noticed that SWAT was not utilized to their full potential. I want SWAT to be the first on the scene, surveying and devising the best form of action when entering a situation
Thanks For Reading
Best Regards
Markus Cartel