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Feb 22, 2024
Identites for Vagos
1. Your IRL name: Karan
2. Your Age : 16
3. Time Zone : (GMT+5:30)
4. Average Online : 5-6Hours
5. Your Discord : kannudotexe.
6. Your NickName: Kannu Pehlwaan
7 Your ID : 1504

Additional Informations
(A) Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

1. First of All i have seen Vagos didnt Run that Properly in the Past i think that i can run it Properly because nowdays no body wants to Join Any other Gangs because of Inactivity and Toxicity i will try to make this Term to be good and be Respectful to any other gang. i trust i can manage and Lead this organization very actively.
2. I have been Highcommands and Deputy in my past Experience as compared to State i have more Knowledge and Interest in gangs that to Vagos is a gang which has Separate ghetto and rarest then other gangs also my First gang i joined was Vagos in other servers i have seen vagos as very active gang when it comes to EN3 it was inactive in past few terms and it feels bad and i really want to make as a Very active gang in EN3.
3. Vagos hq Feels like my home gangs are the main thing in RP if there is no gang then No RP and no work for Leos in City, i can give word that i can reach maximum numbers let my members to maximum Events again Make Sure that i can spread friendly and no Toxic Atmosphere in my Gang i try to make sure to do Turfs and get some Territory.

(B). Advice for Roleplay Improvement:

1. I will try to Teach my Gang to do less Rule Break and i will try to Invite People who are under the age of 10. My Whole gang will try to Attend maximum events.

2. I will try to Give a good Atmosphere to New Comers who will our gang. my gang members will be Friendly to Newcomers and i found toxicity on my Gang i will try to kick the People who trying to make Trouble and doing Toxicity.

VAGOS will be on Top while i will take this Term and i found my gang members doing RuleBreak i either kick them or Demote or Blacklist Them. My Main Motive will be give my members good facilities and good Atmosphere.

4. My Turf Team will Try reach 100% they will not try to do rulebreak. I will try to make my term with out any Warnings and no Verbals.

12. Leader
11. Deputy Leader
10. Under Deputy
9. Turfer
8. OG
2. Shooter
1. Vagos

Thanks Regard

Shery Ottoman

Mr. Sherry
Jul 15, 2022
You have been selected for Vagos interviews!
The interview will take place on Friday, 01/03/2023 at 18:00 ST (Server Time)
Contact on discord DMs Ace Galante (.galante) , Shery Ottoman (mr.sherry) before 18:00 ST.
Not following will lead to automatic rejection.​
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