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Adam Smiley.

Some times dying is better then living
Apr 2, 2022

1. Your name IRL Adam

2. Your age 18

3. Time zone GMT+0 (same as server)

4. Average online per day 5-10 hours

5. Your Discord uniqzombiez

6. Your Nickname Adam Smiley

7. Your ID 129669

My experience
from crime side

Vagos Deputy 2x
Bloods UnderDeputy
ballas HC
Families HC
Bunta HC

From Legal state org side

FIB Supervisor of SAU

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1: I have a good level of experience, I have spent most of the long and special parts of my time in the city in Orgs, so I know very well everything that needs to be done in general, so I know that I will be a leader who will act with the right steps, all my experience will prevent me from making mistakes.

2: Los Santos Vagos has a special place in my heart due to being one of gangs i enjoyed the most and learned the most from and i want people to feel the same way about Vagos as I do, so i will be doing the most that I can to help my members by committing crimes especially near the HQ and all of the beach ghetto so other gangs will fear coming to beach ghetto.

3: I have been HC and even a deputy in Vagos and now i think its time to give a shot of being the leader of my favorite gang so i can give other people to become something. I know there are untold stories and experience's in my story and i wish to share my new experience's with everyone in my gang to improve their stories and experience's.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I will be doing the most hostages, store, gun store, fz and other events that interacts with other players in the server including LEOs as much as possible to increase RP.
I will be giving a even chance to everyone to grow and get new opportunities. I will be also doing my best to teach the new people about rules, gang events and everything that i possibly i can teach to them.

Thanks for reading Adam Smiley

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